The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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I know of one person so far that thinks this show is crap. He charges that it's composed entirely of tired cliches.

So from a certain point of view...he's not wrong. Where genre fiction is concerned I've often held that no one need re-invent the wheel so long as they make a really good wheel.

But it does beg the question: what *would* be original at this point? I mean...rock music uses 3 chords. Stories use what...3 acts? Is it about how these things are composed and combined (like DNA) or do we really need something totally new, and if so what the hell would that even be?

Star Wars has Force users, Militaries, Scum & Villainy. What else is there? Alien cultures? I imagine a xeno-anthropological study would be about as entertaining as a trade dispute... :dunno

IMO without getting deep into mythology and archetypes, for one thing, during a moment so heartmelting re a character so cute grown men are desperate for the plushie version, it doesn't go the way a cliche would. Also the EGG Lol

I love this show. Just hope Favreau has enough prestige to keep any execs and their forced PC out of it. Just tell the d*mn story.
If it makes sense to have a mixed alien spotted somewhat female shaman in there, great. As long as the character feels like they would be there.
Ah, I understand. Well, it's true that when people like what they've been presented overall they excuse the little stuff. But if there's something major or something otherwise fundamental that ruined their enjoyment of said thing then they will rip apart every aspect. I'd be no exception to that.

Obviously it's too soon for that to have happened with Mandalorian.

But one of the things that caused people to immediately turn against the ST was that Rey was using the Force proficiently in TFA without having had any training. I think that type of complaint would fall under what you describe as "something major or something otherwise fundamental that ruined their enjoyment." Yet, when a *baby* Yoda (not shown to have any training . . . yet) uses the Force to lift a huge rhino-type creature, no one complains.

The Rey thing seemingly wasn't/isn't just a "small" or "minor" problem with many people. So when something like that is a major sticking point (and objected to ad nauseam for 4 years) in one case, it's curious how it can be perfectly acceptable in another case.

Another "major" objection has been how Luke died. Some mock how he died from "using the Force too hard," because in their minds (apparently) using the Force to make a convincing projection of yourself on another planet shouldn't be so draining. "Why would using the Force be physically taxing?" Then baby Yoda passes out from lifting the furry Rhino and suddenly it makes sense that "using the Force too hard" would have a physical toll.

They?re ?off-world? Jawas aka that?s enough to justify any changes.

If Jawas aren't exclusive to Tatooine, how are they getting to other planets? Do they have some giant ship that drops off a colony of them along with the exact same type of sandcrawler? If so, it's kinda weird that they'd be scavenging junk all the time with those types of impressive resources. :lol
If Jawas aren't exclusive to Tatooine, how are they getting to other planets? Do they have some giant ship that drops off a colony of them along with the exact same type of sandcrawler? If so, it's kinda weird that they'd be scavenging junk all the time with those types of impressive resources. :lol

Same way that rats and roaches spread to other continents I would imagine; they stowed away on ships and then made their homes elsewhere.

And while I'm fine with all of Yoda's species being Force sensitive to some degree keep in mind that the little guy has been around since before the time of the *prequels* so for all we know he was a youngling that had been chosen by the Jedi and had already undergone training.
Same way that rats and roaches spread to other continents I would imagine; they stowed away on ships and then made their homes elsewhere.

Yeah, I can see that. But they keep finding the exact same stuff to build sandcrawlers the same way no matter what planet they're on. :lol

And while I'm fine with all of Yoda's species being Force sensitive to some degree keep in mind that the little guy has been around since before the time of the *prequels* so for all we know he was a youngling that had been chosen by the Jedi and had already undergone training.

I'm not complaining about baby Yoda using the Force, btw. But I would complain if all Yoda's species are super Force sensitive. It would raise all sorts of potential logic problems pertaining to the Jedi and how/why they were recruited from across the galaxy.
Kenobi is being run by some new guy that goes by the name Lyon Jahnsen.

I heard he?s good.

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It's a real head-scratcher that certain people, i.e. blind-as-fools sequel trilogy fanboys are absolutely fine with rey being a perfect force-user but this baby-Yoda creature using the force (which wears him completely out by the way) is non-sense in their completely messed-up thought processes. Those people by God will not accept anything that isn't sequel trilogy. It's like they worship garbage.
Loved this episode. Especially the first half with hardly any talking. Reminded me of that first Star Wars, following R2 around with Jawas and having not a bleep of dialogue. This show definitely has that old time feels.

I have to agree about the baby Yoda with Force abilities... I liked it; he's too cure not to like. Reminds me of Thumbs Wars "I am a puppet" Yoda. But it did make me wonder about Yoda's teachings and the assumption that Yoda was also taught. Maybe the baby used it in the way it would say its first words -- a reaction; unable to understand what it was doing but feeling compelled to action. Time will tell.
It's a real head-scratcher that certain people, i.e. blind-as-fools sequel trilogy fanboys are absolutely fine with rey being a perfect force-user but this baby-Yoda creature using the force (which wears him completely out by the way) is non-sense in their completely messed-up thought processes. Those people by God will not accept anything that isn't sequel trilogy. It's like they worship garbage.

It makes sense in a way - if you love TLJ which is just nonstop plot which does not stand up under a moment’s scrutiny - you will likely hate the slow-burn storytelling and lingering reduced salt vistas of The Mandalorian.
As far as I can tell, no one here hates The Mandalorian. There must be some seriously deficient reading comprehension going on.

For the record (since I'm the one who made the "not trained" comparison; and NOT as a complaint about the baby Yoda): I think The Mandalorian has been fine so far. It'll probably get even better considering we're only 1/4 of the way through the season. Again: no complaining, and no hate, from me with respect to this show so far. Just to be clear (hopefully . . . but probably not).
And while I'm fine with all of Yoda's species being Force sensitive to some degree keep in mind that the little guy has been around since before the time of the *prequels* so for all we know he was a youngling that had been chosen by the Jedi and had already undergone training.

I’ve seen that mentioned before, about Yoda’s entire species being force sensitive. That didn’t cross my mind when I saw Chapter 2. What did was that any from that species that happen to be force sensitive are naturally stronger in it than other species.

That’s a cool idea that he might have had some teaching at the Jedi temple before the purge. The little guy could be who Yoda was thinking of in ESB, and not Leia when he responded to Obi-Wan by saying “No. There is another.” Yoda could have known the little guy survived.

Oh man I just googled it and apparently every episode will be directed by Deborah Chow who hopefully has some credentials beyond simply being female and Asian...

Looks like she directed an episode of The Mandalorian so we'll know soon enough what she's capable of.

:lol :lol

First shot of Kenobi motorboating alien teets and I'm out, lol.

That depends on the alien Khevtotal_recall_three_breasted_hooker_a_l.jpg
Another "major" objection has been how Luke died. Some mock how he died from "using the Force too hard," because in their minds (apparently) using the Force to make a convincing projection of yourself on another planet shouldn't be so draining. "Why would using the Force be physically taxing?" Then baby Yoda passes out from lifting the furry Rhino and suddenly it makes sense that "using the Force too hard" would have a physical toll.

Aside from reminding me a little too much of someone dying on the toilet (a fairly common phenomenon) I didn?t have a problem with Luke?s demise. I?m just glad I got to see him take on an AT-AT (albeit as a projection).

And it was established as far back as the PT that Force users could have bursts of extreme power followed by a recovery period (though it wasn?t shown to be ?exhausting? as such).

Post-Lucas SW will cop flak whether it?s too similar or too different. They?re damned if they do and damned if they don?t.