The NEXT SW 12" Figure...?

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Torturer of OCD
CF Supporter
Feb 3, 2006
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City of Angels
We haven't played this game in awhile.

Long ago, many guessed Lando... and he still hasn't showed. Greedo was up there too... still, nada.

So now with Ben, Bespin Luke, Princess Leia and Palpatine/Sidious ordered, and knowing there's no droids, Chewbacca, Vader, Fett coming from SS anytime soon... WHO DO YOU THINK IS COMING NEXT?

Here's the running tally for guessing what's next:
(not what you'd like to see next, but what you think WILL BE NEXT)

ESB Lando = 19
ANH Han Solo = 3
Yoda = 2
Ki-Adi Mundi = 1
Hoth Rebels = 1
Little Ani = 1
Stormtrooper = 1
Jawa 2-pack = 1
Tantive IV rebel = 1


Line Count - courtesy of MAULFAN:

Order of the Jedi
1. Jedi Luke Skywalker
2. Anakin Skywalker
3. Kit Fisto
4. Obi-Wan Kenobi
5. Mace Windu
6. Qui-Gon Jinn
7. Plo Koon
8. ANH Obi-Wan

Lords of the Sith

1. Darth Vader
2. Darth Maul
3. Sith Probe Droids
4. Holographic Sidious with Mechno Chair
5. Asajj Ventress
6. Senator Palpatine
7. Darth Sidious

Heroes of the Rebellion
1. Bespin Han Solo
2. Leia as Boushh
3. Yavin Luke Skywalker
4. ANH Leia
5. Bespin Luke Skywalker

Scum & Villainy
1. Jabba the Hutt (and throne)
2. Bubo Creature Pack
3. Salacious Crumb Creature Pack
4. Bib Fortuna

Militaries of Star Wars
1-3 Endor Strike Force Bundle

For reasons I can't explain, the Dejarik Table is not listed... where the heck does it go anyway?
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Well, going by the current track of 3 Lukes and 2 Leias for core OT, I'm guessing a new Han is probably on the horizon. Between the fallout from Bespin Han, and the strong favor to have an ANH version, I would imagine he's not far down the line.
Not just Lando.... But BESPIN LANDO!!! :rock

That is the only true Lando. :rock

Well, going by the current track of 3 Lukes and 2 Leias for core OT, I'm guessing a new Han is probably on the horizon. Between the fallout from Bespin Han, and the strong favor to have an ANH version, I would imagine he's not far down the line.

I would have to agree with you there. That would be my gut guess as well.

Tatooine Luke would round out the whole ANH line, but with Yavin Luke already given, ANH HAN SOLO seems the most likely suspect to be the next offering.
Line Count:

Order of the Jedi
1. Jedi Luke Skywalker
2. Anakin Skywalker
3. Kit Fisto
4. Obi-Wan Kenobi
5. Mace Windu
6. Qui-Gon Jinn
7. Plo Koon
8. ANH Obi-Wan

Lords of the Sith
1. Darth Vader
2. Darth Maul
3. Sith Probe Droids
4. Holographic Sidious with Mechno Chair
5. Asajj Ventress
6. Senator Palpatine
7. Darth Sidious

Heroes of the Rebellion
1. Bespin Han Solo
2. Leia as Boushh
3. Yavin Luke Skywalker
4. ANH Leia
5. Bespin Luke Skywalker

Scum & Villainy - 3
1. Jabba the Hutt
2. Jabba's Throne (Loosely Counted)
3. Salacious Crumb Creature Pack
4. Bib Fortuna

Militaries of Star Wars - 3
1-3 Endor Strike Force Bundle
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Line Count:

Order of the Jedi - 8

Lords of the Sith - 6

Heroes of the Rebellion - 4

Scum & Villainy - 3

Militaries of Star Wars - 3

Definitely Bespin Lando should be next so that when I open the box I can say suavely--- Well now, who do we have here? Hello, I ____________ the administrator of this facility-- and who might you be?

Definitely though need some more Scum & Villainy... Cantina Aliens!
Lords of the Sith

1. Darth Vader

2. Darth Maul

3. Sidious and Mechno Chair

4. Asajj Ventress

5. Chancellor Palpatine

6. Darth Sidious

It's 5 if you count buy what you buy, but number of figures is 6.
Wor-Gar, shouldn't your tally be listed as predictions instead of votes, or are we making nominations of who we want to see next? I'd go with something besides ANH Han for a vote, but as a realistic prediction that was my selection.
Sith Ani
Asajj (not a Sith -- I KNOW!)
Darth Maul

That's five... was Maulfan counting the Probe Droids? :)

No, I should have, that makes it 7 then. And didn't you post earlier in the Palpatine thread forgetting about Ani-Vader?
Wor-Gar, shouldn't your tally be listed as predictions instead of votes, or are we making nominations of who we want to see next? I'd go with something besides ANH Han for a vote, but as a realistic prediction that was my selection.

Yes, bad choice of words. It's not votes, just guesses. I'll change the wording.
You can not have what you want. Only what you think will be next.

I knew this would devolve into the "what I want next" thread...

Sorry, I didn't read the rules. I think it may be Lando or another Alien type like Greedo (we need more scum.)