The Official Gears Of War 3 Thread

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alright then I just have to settle for the girlie skins then

also can tell me if the regular soft cover edition strategy guide is supposed to be shrink wrapped? I got mine in today from Ebay and it's not but when i went to gamestop the other day the limited hardcover edition was. did i get a lemon?
I gave it a chance. I played the beta and thought it was finally worth the money, but they took a huge step back to old times and the crap they just threw together so they had MP.

They should stick to what they are good at campaign and not even bother trying to make a MP as now they have tried 3 times and failed all three times to make a good MP.

I haven't heard anyone else complain about it. What did they change from when we played the beta?
alright then I just have to settle for the girlie skins then

also can tell me if the regular soft cover edition strategy guide is supposed to be shrink wrapped? I got mine in today from Ebay and it's not but when i went to gamestop the other day the limited hardcover edition was. did i get a lemon?

Na, you're good. The only reason the wrap them at Gamestop is to keep people from browsing at the store.
Na, you're good. The only reason the wrap them at Gamestop is to keep people from browsing at the store.

so GameStop is the one who wraps them? I think they cool with peeps reading the guide cause they had an open one there and then the sealed ones. but I only saw the limited so not sure if the regular ones are supposed to be wrapped also.
I haven't heard anyone else complain about it. What did they change from when we played the beta?

I would say they had servers that worked during the beta. There was consistency with the game. Your weapon worked like everyone elses. Now it back to if your on host team your weapons have more power, your moves are handled faster.

Things I noticed, one match your weapon would kill someone with one shot another match your weapon didn't even leave a scratch with multiple shots but the other teams would kill you with little to no effort. People teleported from one place to another, i had a guy on top of stairs and started to run down the stairs, a second later he was right in my face (more then one person noticed the guy suddenly end up where he was). People could just disappear or even move like they had Halo evade feature.
Last night was wacky in that when we (mark, Spartan, nick, and myself) played mp it did feel like gears 2. It was a little annoying to say the least but then way later nick and I played mp again and it was perfect. U could tell we were on the servers as no there was no lag at all.
is getting the ox colored weapons only based in public mutiplayer matches or can you still accumulate the kills and scores in private Horde?
Can't say that I had any problems last night.
Besides the occasional one shot gnasher downing me from yards away.
Sometimes I think people are either on or they're not, but with Gears who knows.
I'm much happier with the hit detection I've experienced thus far and seem to be more disappointed with my personal tactical decisions and reaction times.
Where as before I used to think it was the crappy game more often than not.
Haven't had too many wtf moments so far, knock on wood.
Hate getting steam rolled by a clan.
Boomshot might be a better choice for the over pass map rather than the hammer.
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Man, when we played last night when we played I wish I could say there was no wtf moments. I had a few where I double jumped barricades, would get pulled back in the open after I crawled someplace, etc. Now, like I said after everyone left and I was on my own joining a quick match and played for quite a while it was smooth again. Not sure why but it was fun not having any of those moments.
I'm sure Epic has some kinks to work out this early in the launch. Hopefully they'll make the effort this time around to make it the best multi experience possible for the franchise.
I'm sure Epic has some kinks to work out this early in the launch. Hopefully they'll make the effort this time around to make it the best multi experience possible for the franchise.

Why did they have a beta? Having it revert from beta back to gears 1/2 mode defeats the purpose of a beta.
Thats what I figure is the case its just kinks but still annoying as hell. :lol Ah well ended with a great run of matches last night so it was all good.

Edit: This is to Spartan's post above.
I'm sure Epic has some kinks to work out this early in the launch. Hopefully they'll make the effort this time around to make it the best multi experience possible for the franchise.

Plus I'm sure the inital surge of people is crazy. You can tell when a really good game comes out. I have like 20 people on my friends list all online.

I can't wait to try it. I should beat the single player sometime early this evening and will hopefully be able to join up with you guys after.
Plus I'm sure the inital surge of people is crazy. You can tell when a really good game comes out. I have like 20 people on my friends list all online.

I know, right?! I can't remember the last time I had so many friends online at one time (3/4 of which are playing GOW3).
Why did they have a beta? Having it revert from beta back to gears 1/2 mode defeats the purpose of a beta.

What's that old adage about war?
Even the best layed plans go out the window when you make first contact with the enemy.
I'm sure not every contingency was anticipated even with the beta.
Epic will have to contend with alot of unhappy players if they don't strive to make Gears stable. If they want to cont. to sell DLC they'll work on upkeep.
What's that old adage about war?
Even the best layed plans go out the window when you make first contact with the enemy.
I'm sure not every contingency was anticipated even with the beta.
Epic will have to contend with alot of unhappy players if they don't strive to make Gears stable. If they want to cont. to sell DLC they'll work on upkeep.
I cant agree with that as someone who has worked in computer world last 15 years.

As I said last night it is most likely a situation where they had more users then anticipated but that is not really acceptable. You had a beta to determine what is needed as far as servers for X number of players. So then you have a sales goal of what they wanted to sell first week( look at all the EX downloads they did they wanted to sell a ton on pre order). Do the math to determine a minimum number of users then add 20-30% to account for no per order sales and make sure you can handle that.

To me its just another situation where they have rested on the name and didn't put the effort needed into the MP. They know most people will still buy the DLC. Hell look how many people dropped $ on DLC and DLC pre orders before the game was even available to them.
Well then, I don't know what to tell ya.
But if things get to bad for me I've got Skyrim, BF3, Reach, Fallout Vegas, Rage and Arkham to cheer me up.
Finished campaign on Tuesday - took me about 9 hours with some breaks.

Playing it again to get the rest of the collectibles. Great story and a nice wrap up to the series.

One thing that I'm still confused about (and maybe it was covered in the last book, which I haven't read yet) is why the Queen looks so human compared to the other Locust. I find that interesting and think there's a story behind it.....maybe we will find out in the prequels - if they do make them. Was it ever covered in the book?