Super Freak
Predators in the blu ray player now.

Predator was in the blu-ray player 2 hours ago.Predators in the blu ray player now.![]()
God forbid they try something different. From now on EVERY Predator movie needs to be in the GOD DAMN JUNGLE!!!. DAT'S WHERE DA FIRST ONE WUZ, DAT'S WHERE DAY ALL NEED TA BE!!!
Seriously, they travel from planet to planet in giant furtuistic space ships hunting hundreds of deadly Alien creatures. I don't think cold weather is going to hurt them.
It's obvious that they're cold blooded because of the whole "only in the hottest days this would happen" shizzle, but so what? So they prefer hunting in a warmer environment? That means they can't hunt in cold weather? They better be careful, you know how delicate those cute little guys are.
Oh, and I seem to remember the pyramid being in a temperate climate.
Okay, I'm not going to read the previous posts because my head will probably explode with anger like it has in the past with these "AvP: Good, or Bad?" discussions.
I read the first part of yours, herzograven, about them having no skill.
The movie wasn't terrible. It was really, a great movie. Some things, maybe several, were annoying and major fans didn't want to see. But overall, it was a really well-made movie.
I loved the actors, especially Raul Bova (<--spelling). The story was beyond brilliant, so freaken unique and interesting. The movie is just very comfortable and clever.
Like when the eggs pop up in the Sacrificial chamber.. Brilliant.
"Vwhat did you say this room was called?" "...Sacrificial chamber..."
Was anybody expecting the Predalien at the end? No, don't say you were. BRILLIANT. We see it pop out, hear that wonderful hybridy screech, then the movie ends! Perfect.
Action/fighting scenes don't make a horrible movie amazing. AvP had the small details, the incredibly unique story, those awesome twists and turns.. By small details I mean things like the Queen head at the beg...oh, wait it's a Satellite.
Now, the action scenes played a HUGE part in this movie. They were literally, just magnificent. They were so well-done. If you hated Celtic to death, if you hated Grid to death, if you hated the Alien and Predator franchises to death, you were still amazed when Celtic picks up Grid by his leg and starts swinging him in circle bashing his head through the stone walls.. Then the toss and roar, orgasmic.. Scar doing that flip/jump thing and stabbing the Queen with the combi-stick? Scar leaping from ledge to ledge (my favorite scene, btw) while being shot at, and while cloaking? Amazing.
When I watched the movie in the theater, at age 8 or whatever.. I was definitely more of a Predator fan than Alien. But when Grid killed my favorite AvP Pred design, Chopper, I was amazed. Sure, Grid didn't really use any effort, but the way the scene was set up was just pure gold.
I mean, come on.. What did Wolf do that was beyond brilliant? Strip naked at the end? Poor blue ____ on dead bodies? Hold up two squirmy wormies by their necks only to get wacked into a wall because he's a complete ____ing moron? SKIN A GUY AND HANG'M IN A TREE WHEN HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE RIDDING COLORADO OF ALIEN EVIDENCE!!!!!?!?!?!?!??!?!
Phew, head almost exploded there...
And on top of that, you can't even see anything in AvP:R
Please don't respond to this post saying how AvP was horrible, etc.....I might have to shoot myself.
What I'm saying is, if they can travel through space, if they can develop all of these amazing weapons, why can't they create something that can keep their temperature the same, or whatever?
Bio-masks, wrist computers, plasma casters, come on....
Predators in the blu ray player now.![]()
Predator was in the blu-ray player 2 hours ago.![]()
i've been watching Predator, Predator 2, Predators all damn month long waiting for the neca figure to arrive![]()
They found the dialogue in P2 that insulting?...
The first guy is a complete moron, also.
They're both good movies.
I'd just like to say..
The Aliens are far more mysterious than the Predators.. We see the Preds in clans, hunting Humans, all that. We only see Aliens attacking people, no real backstory or anything...
I'd prefer the actors to not have known much about the creatures..would make things more realistic.
As for the ending being "cartoonish" and "predictable"... I don't believe that anyone saw that coming, SURE we expect it when the facehugger jumps on him, but from that time until the end we've seen so much more that it's kind of fading away, then the Queen kills him and we pretty much know there won't be a Predalien..
I don't think the fight scenes were "martial art"sy.. The Queen spear-head flip was a bit, but I don't have to be some japanese ninja to swing a dude around by his foot then tackle him, or jump from one ledge to another.. Well, I mean, I'd have to be pretty strong, but those weren't any super-duper flip/karate-chop moves. They were simple, but looked great.
Don't forget that these guys were Unblooded Predators.. Also.
I don't see any favoritism in AvP really, Aliens kill Predators, Predators kill Aliens. It seemed fair and unbiased to me.
Now let's discuss something much less stressful, like.. How many licks does it take to reach the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?!![]()
How much money are they making for stating their retarded opinions about movies..
I don't really get the whole "it was bad cuz we dun seen stuff likez it be4" thing.
If it's enjoyable, it's a good movie imo..
I guess I mostly meant the original Alien. Eggmorphing, the Space Jockey relation, all that.. It did seem like the Alien had some sort of emotions carried down from Kane, also..Disagree. If you're talking about original origins, we don't know either. But the aliens function like a bug colony so there's really not that much "WOW" to discover that we haven't already seen. They don't have distinct personalities, all the drones are identical depending on the being they "burst" from. They're all impregnated into the host by a facehugger who's hatched by a queen whose host is selected by the drones. The predators, on the other hand, despite functioning in clans, are each unique amongst themselves, have unique armor and weapons, etc. And outside of the end of Predator 2, and brief scenes in AVP have yet to see how they function in clans.