Was watching the original Siskel & Ebert reviews of P1 & P2 earlier:
YouTube - Siskel and Ebert: Predator
YouTube - Siskel and Ebert: Predator 2
thoughts, gentlemen?
well, Siskel sounds like a complete idiot, either you like the movies or not, first he criticized the pred with arnold because of Rambo and alien, then in the second one, he criticized it because it was not like the first one

their review makes no sense, of course it feels like rambo, so what, So just because there is an alien he gets reminded of "Alien" wtf? then I guess ET remind him as well,
anyways, those reviews are really old, old and gone, nothing you can say about them, it just that he made no sense at all,
but, I am used to critics hating the movies I like, I know the wolfman sucked and everyone hated it but, I liked it, I mean, I love the universal monsters, so I was kinda biased when I saw it,