Re: Predator Reboot...
With that line of thinking, I'd guess this is the "true" Predator in the film.
With that line of thinking, I'd guess this is the "true" Predator in the film.

Strange choice of image given that is simply the P1 copy from Predators. I suspect (hope) the teaser was made by the same guy who put the Wolf on the front cover of the P2 blu ray. I'm looking forward to seeing some new predators on screen, not that one...
Predators Classic is the worse Predator across the franchise.
Why not just put KPH's Predator on the teaser? It is Fox though...
It was nothing but a sacrifice to pump up this ridiculous abomination.
or a different origin for the Predator (a government manufactured bio-weapon, whatever.)
Fox sabotaged that movie on purpose.
They made it dark on purpose in post production
Pretty much. I'm not defending the Strause Bros. but Fox should have never have hired them in the first place. They said that Fox cuts budgets on a number of things during production and as we all know they darkened the movie to hide the flaws.
I never knew that before. Wouldn't be the first time Fox has gone the cheap route.
Wolf ruled though.
Same. It was much more interesting than anything from AVP films.Yep it's an abomination but atleast it was unique, I actually like the design for what it was.
With that line of thinking, I'd guess this is the "true" Predator in the film.
. . . I'm looking forward to seeing some new predators on screen, not that one...
I never knew that before. Wouldn't be the first time Fox has gone the cheap route.
Wolf ruled though.
I don't remember Doom being dark? A bad movie yeah, but not nearly as tragic as AVP:R. Even well lit that movie would have been a s**t fest, but at least it gave us a cool character. The xenos were horrendous however, I guess 90% of the practical effects budget went on Wolf.
And those scenes are well done.doom was dark when it came to the sewers and when it came to showing the monsters
Even the greatest of directors knew that shootin' in the dark saves money.