The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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Trading for a pull muscle is way better than the flu, I'd do that any day!

Wanderer + 1

No kidding... that was about the stupidest thing posted yet... but it did come from a woman, so I am not surprised.

Trade a pull muscle for the swine flu? Kidding or not, that's just stoooooooopeeeeeed!
Back and cardio for today, mega dead lifting time, my goal is to get back up to five plates on each side. Last time I did it for 4 reps I did strain my back on the last rep by tweaking my back and giving it a lil nudge at the end.
Back/bi's today. (and slow controlled mind muscle connection day, rather than just get the weight up)
Lat pulldowns 4 sets 8-12
One arm DB rows 4 sets 8-12
Bi's 2 sets 8-12

my 3 tubs of oats and whey came today (buy 2 get 1 free is still up guys)
I think I'd take that offer right now! Never felt so rough...hope the back is feeling better though Ween. I know how bad that can be!

Trading for a pull muscle is way better than the flu, I'd do that any day!

Wanderer + 1

No kidding... that was about the stupidest thing posted yet... but it did come from a woman, so I am not surprised.

Trade a pull muscle for the swine flu? Kidding or not, that's just stoooooooopeeeeeed!

Well, I ended up in the emergency room last night because I was in so much pain, and I take pain very well. So yeah, I'd take the flu anyday. Women can take 10 times more pain then men, so for me to say that I have to really be in pain. I'm on muscle relaxers and Vicodin.

Eli, you're probably a sniffling baby when you have a cold so STFU! :mad:
Well, I ended up in the emergency room last night because I was in so much pain, and I take pain very well. So yeah, I'd take the flu anyday. Women can take 10 times more pain then men, so for me to say that I have to really be in pain. I'm on muscle relaxers and Vicodin.

Eli, you're probably a sniffling baby when you have a cold so STFU! :mad:

You are right I hate colds, but no matter what kind of pain you're in you can't say it's worse than a really bad flu. Either way, hope the pain goes away so I can take advantage of teasing you some more.

btw Women handle pain better than men, I agree. But men are still smarter.

*bolts for it*
I just posted this for the first 15 seconds lol

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Been working on the outer lat to expand my width a little more, I've been emphasizing on it for the past couple months, so far I'm pretty satisfied with it but going to continue to work further...
