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So total is 8! :banana I still don't look or feel any different tho. :dunno

It won't really seem that much a difference early on. You can't focus weight loss to a zone, it just gets lost from everywhere, so if you think about 8lbs divided up by the entirity of your body, it won't be a dramatic change, but the key is to just focus on that it is changed. Whether you see it and feel it or not, you have lost that weight, just keep working at the losing it and eventually you'll notice it.

Along my journey, all the changes in me have been subtle and just one day I'll notice this or that's different. If you try and look for changes week to week, you'll get discouraged and dissappointed, just go about life like normal and eventually you'll just have these little pause moments, like wait a minute, something's different here. It's actually more exciting too when it surprises you versus looking for different things. When I spot changes in myself, I get fascinated like I discovered time travel or something, and over the littlest things. I keep staring at my hands because now I have knuckles showing and veins starting to pop out instead of these pudgy hands with no form to them. I remember in high school art class, my teacher got on my case one day because we had to do sketches of our hands and mine didn't look realistic because I didn't sketch tendons and all, and then I shamefully showed her, my fat hand doesn't show that stuff. So now to see it is exciting. People that have always seen that stuff would probably think I'm a weirdo, but where it's all new, it's amazing.
If you let it. Like I said, i find it better not to look for things and just one day be like, what's that. Like today, I noticed near my lats, I'm pretty much just muscle and rib cage, there's not much fat there at all now, it's most heavily concentrated at the midsection now, that and a bit on my thighs and upper arms.
Every 18th meal is the Carb meal. It is the last meal and it replaces Meal 6. The Carb
Meal must be eaten in this order.
Meal must be eaten in this order.
1.5 cup steamed green beans or 12 oz asparagus = 15g carbohydrates
½ cup oatmeal (measured dry then add water and microwave) = 30g
6.5 oz PEELED ruby red grapefruit or 99g blueberries = 15g carbohydrates
4-6 packets splenda for sweetening
12 almonds = 10g fat
6 oz yam or sweet potato = 45g carbohydrates
4 tsp peanut butter or almond butter = 10g fat
4-6 packets splenda for sweetening
105g Carbohydrates = 420 Kcals, 20g Fat = 180 Kcals
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
I'm in love with this stuff but it is pricey.

I try to go with a protein shake with less fat % but it's not terrible. I just don't know what the fat % of ingredients that are made from it.

It does taste phenomenal but I also go with the number rule, if it taste good then its usually too good to be true.
I try to go with a protein shake with less fat % but it's not terrible. I just don't know what the fat % of ingredients that are made from it.

It does taste phenomenal but I also go with the number rule, if it taste good then its usually too good to be true.

I saw some whey protein powder at walmart and am going to pick up some in the next couple days. I think it is 2 pounds for around $14, which seems like a great deal. As per the milk, it is 14% fat which I know probably isn't the best.

How long should two pounds last Ski?
I saw some whey protein powder at walmart and am going to pick up some in the next couple days. I think it is 2 pounds for around $14, which seems like a great deal. As per the milk, it is 14% fat which I know probably isn't the best.

How long should two pounds last Ski?

One of my buddies at the gym that is fairly younger than I (24) and doesn't make a ton of money gets Whey from Wal-Mart and he competes as well. That guy stays shredded all year round, I don't see how he does it.... the graces of youth :lol

Well I have to ask you, is honestly the last two lbs, what is your BF%. I'd almost need a pick to find out how far along are you or what you should try as in tapering the diet down.

Usually a small amount of food cut such as .5 cup of almonds(fats) or veggies(carbs) or a smaller portion of protein per each of the meals per day will do it.
The last time I got my BMI index was in High School(when I was rather hefty and it was like 25%:eek:). I have lost about 50 pounds since then and started lifting back in September of last year so I haven't a clue. Probably need to schedule an appointment with my physician when I get back home to get all my ducks in a row.
The last time I got my BMI index was in High School(when I was rather hefty and it was like 25%:eek:). I have lost about 50 pounds since then and started lifting back in September of last year so I haven't a clue. Probably need to schedule an appointment with my physician when I get back home to get all my ducks in a row.

Yeah if you are in the teens it might take more macro manipulation but in the 20 BF%, it's just more cardio, faster workouts and slightly eating less.
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Hey Bam, I would take today off too.

Accidents like that with impact tend to hit you a few days after.

It is also in your best interests to see a doctor to get it on the record just in case of anything.

Make sure you take some anti-inflammatories like Motrin or Advil.
Man, i really don't wanna go on a rant here about protein powders. But please, please don't buy that wal-mart junk, it's crap. (unless it's all you can afford) Not to mention the artificial sweeteners and chemicals in it. (aspartame, sucralose, etc.etc)

Get a good isolate like now foods whey isolate, or ON 100% Natural whey. (both have stevia)

Do some research before just jumping into the wal-mart stuff.
Man, i really don't wanna go on a rant here about protein powders. But please, please don't buy that wal-mart junk, it's crap. (unless it's all you can afford) Not to mention the artificial sweeteners and chemicals in it. (aspartame, sucralose, etc.etc)

Get a good isolate like now foods whey isolate, or ON 100% Natural whey. (both have stevia)

Do some research before just jumping into the wal-mart stuff.

Or like Krayt said, eat food :lol, course my opinion was if you can't afford the higher stuff but food is first, limit the shakes.

edit: I'll post yesterdays food log here shortly once I get to work.
and Krayt when are we gonna see how hardcore pics, I'm interested in the progress?!?!?

Geting massive? Getting shredded? No pics of Origins Wolverine BTW....
I really don't like posting pics of myself. (had identity online issues a while back) But i'm kinda getting proud of the traps so heres a pic of them been focusing on shrugs (something i've never done, for a while now) I'm losing fat AND gaining muscle (hard but possible) My Wolverine will be here Tues :)
