The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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I found this picture and thought it was interesting and a good motivation to get healthy!

Eating lunch but I cannot see the pic so no worries and it's time for cheating yet Waller :nono :tap

It's not even close. When's Saturday?!?!?!
Last night I didn't get a chance to work out properly.

I did a couple repetitions on the bowflex thing and i did 150 jump rope jumps....but thats all i could do cuz I had some guest over.

For lunch I had a subway turkey breast and ham on a flat bread with little cheddar cheese and red wine that cheating?
Last night I didn't get a chance to work out properly.

I did a couple repetitions on the bowflex thing and i did 150 jump rope jumps....but thats all i could do cuz I had some guest over.

For lunch I had a subway turkey breast and ham on a flat bread with little cheddar cheese and red wine that cheating?

Not so sure about cheese, I don't think that is... the vinegar is also something like 50 cals per cup or something small.

I really don't use condiments that much because I don't wanna have the sugar, salt, fat that comes with all of them. The cleaner the better IMO.
Long time reader of this thread here. Figured I would introduce myself in a way finally. I decided I had enough of my skinny stick figure back in August of 08 when I weighed around 150. Mind you I'm 6' 1'', so yeah, skinny. Anyways, I was able to gain around 25 pounds since then working out at a friend's house, but I really was never that satisfied with the workouts, so I recently joined a gym and I'm already seeing results. Probably because I'm pushing myself harder than I ever have.

My goal for this year is to be around 185-190 with around 7-8% body fat. Not sure what my body fat is now, I've been meaning to get it checked. Eventually i'd like to be around 225, but that's a ways off. Anyways, I think I can accomplish my goal by going high calorie, high protein and just pushing myself to the limits every time i'm in the gym.

Good luck whatever your goal is this year, whether it be lose weight, gain weight/muscle, we can do it! :rock