The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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Welcome to the Fitness thread man! :duff

Watch out for the muscle man. His name starts with a ....................

I think that's something for all the newcomers in this thread to be aware of. There is a vast diversity of goals in this thread, from serious muscle builders to the tone up fat burners. Don't just follow every single suggestion in here as it may not be right for your goals, be clear on what you want to do and the help you're looking for and you'll get the right answers, don't be afraid to ask, and don't be intimidated if people seem to achieve more than you, everyone's aiming to do something different in here.
I got a copy of the P90X system! It's on now!

BTW...Welcome Swoop....It's true what MF saids...I'm in here cuz i wanna lose 80 this year.....I've already lost 10 in it's down to 70!

And I couldn't of done it without the help and support of the people on this thread!
I must have missed you 10lbs loss Bam.

Congrats! It is a wonderful feeling indeed!:banana

WOOP!!! Well....i don't really feel that much different....except that I notice I have more resistance when it comes to exercising......

but the fact that I can say that I lost 10lbs sure is rewarding.

It's been tough....alot of temptations and disappointments..... but I always have "W.W.S.D" on my mind!:lol
As long as you can get that little voice in your head to keep you moving forward, that's what you really need.

My entire exercise program revolves around Rocky :lol, so whenever I feel like I might be slipping out of things, I remember a quote from Rocky 4, he's getting his ass kicked but his trainer keeps yelling, "Don't go down!", and that gets me through, even if I'm lapsing a bit or losing a little of my determination, I think of that and fight through and realize it's ok to take a few "hits" just don't let those small setbacks knock me out.
190.8 today :woo

Oh I forgot to update physical changes, delts are coming nicely especially rear since I've been focusing on evening out my delts for a long time since my front just love to grow naturally, veins are coming out on the front head of the delt, I love these, abs are shaping up to almost looking like a long 8 pack, legs are thinning out on the inner thigh and more veins to the front of my chins. I love these changes while cutting.

O, lil riblets are coming out on the side as well. :D
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I am a TUNA MAN! :D
I loves my sushi Tuna and Salmon...

Anyway, in here to see what the fuss is all about.
Walking every day. About two to three miles, up and down hills. I really push it the last leg. Doing some, not a lot, but some pushups, situps, and other exercises. Eating much better fare. Ate only an apple and some raisins for lunch, as I didn't have much time. Off to see my mom and will pick up a Subway sandwich.
I am eating a lot better than I was. NO fried, little if any sugar, no salt.

Feeling a lot better than I did about two months back, before Christmas, when I got sick. Just using that as a jumpstart to get better. Plus, well...I almost died Christmas eve, does what one has to to stay alive.
Yeah, not sure many of you knew about the near death thing. I got sick from food poisoning that night, went out and ate at a chinese buffet place, and about four hours later, double barrelled it all out. By 1am I was so weak, I had to call an ambulance. Once at the emergency room, the doc there said I was "this" (held fingers close) to dying due to my extremely elevated blood pressure added to the extreme dehydration. If I had stayed home and tried to tough it out, guys would be fighting over my loot I guess, 'cause I wouldn't be here.
It was that close.

SO....on the SERIOUS fat loss diet and on some cholesterol meds. Feeling lots better.

So...what more do I need to do? You guys started this, so, help a (former) fat boy out! :D

Welcome Les.

I told you, it will be worth the time.

Just join us in convo.

You will so how we change our eating habits and our routines. As you progress you can up your ante and get better routines.

Ski is one of our mentors and Bam and I are chugging along to make some progress this year for sure ! :rock
Welcome Les.

I told you, it will be worth the time.

Just join us in convo.

You will so how we change our eating habits and our routines. As you progress you can up your ante and get better routines.

Ski is one of our mentors and Bam and I are chugging along to make some progress this year for sure ! :rock

HELL YEAH!!! Don't forget about Kuzeh (altho...i haven't seen him around lately :tap)

So I decided to try the Veggie Max patty at Subway today. I got it on a flatbread with no cheese (just like Ski said) and with a little of red wine vinegar. It tasted like crap and now I have a tummy ache. :(
Never again.

Oh and I'm gonna start the P90X 90 day challenge on Monday....Let's see how that plays out!:rolleyes:

I'm gonna need u guys support, cuz I don't think it's gonna be that easy.

I found this video that really motivated me and made me believe that it's possible, especially when ur part of a fitness thread in ur favorite toy forum (that doesn't really like me cuz I always get PM'ed and infractions by the MODS :rolleyes:).....
Thanks for the welcome, Ringer.

Congrats on the weightloss, Bam. Keep it up! The first few months are the hardest, but just stick with it and as you start seeing results it gets easy. I've tried a few of the p90x workouts and they are killer, so good luck and try and make it a fun experience.

I'm like you, Skiman, my front deltoid is no problem, but I really have to work the rear to see any growth, but it's coming along.

Scary story, Les. Glad you're still with us.
Quick question for you all.....been gym going regularly for about a year now and while my weights have been going up, I really haven't been gaining any weight. For instance, bench has gone from about 180 to about 225-235, but I'm stil around 165 pounds. I normally lift 4 days a week and run the other three (I love running, helps me clear my head). Is it my running that keeps me from gaining any weight??? I eat about 5-6 small meals a day (usually egg whites, griller chicken, turkey, roast beef, protein shakes, etc).
Comes down to basic dieting & switching the cardio, either by upping the calories and doing less cardio or if you want to remain somewhat lean and do cardio just make it moderate and low intensity. Intense enough to where you can still carry a conversation but not where it leaves you winded. It's possible that the running is eating your gains. So you have to choose either to eat more and keep running or stop running and just keep it at a moderate fast pace walk on the cardio.
HELL YEAH!!! Don't forget about Kuzeh (altho...i haven't seen him around lately :tap)

I'm here!!! :wave
I'm actually a bit bummed because I was feeling better over the weekend after this somewhat mild cough I had, but it came back on Monday!! :banghead
I can't do cardio without starting to cough a lot, so it sucks...
I'll be starting the 100 pushups/200 situps/200 squats program on Monday!!! :rock!!!

So I decided to try the Veggie Max patty at Subway today. I got it on a flatbread with no cheese (just like Ski said) and with a little of red wine vinegar. It tasted like crap and now I have a tummy ache. :(
Never again.

I love the Veggie Max patty!!! it's awesome!!! I think the problem was the vinegar... next time try it with some avocado, and veggies, it's awesome!!!

Oh and I'm gonna start the P90X 90 day challenge on Monday....Let's see how that plays out!:rolleyes:

I'm gonna need u guys support, cuz I don't think it's gonna be that easy.

I found this video that really motivated me and made me believe that it's possible, especially when ur part of a fitness thread in ur favorite toy forum (that doesn't really like me cuz I always get PM'ed and infractions by the MODS :rolleyes:).....

I also need to keep focused... I'm easily distracted and need to keep my goals clear!!!
Amazing video!!!
Let's do this!!!! :rock!!
I'll be starting the 100 pushups/200 situps/200 squats program on Monday!!! :rock!!!

I love the Veggie Max patty!!! it's awesome!!! I think the problem was the vinegar... next time try it with some avocado, and veggies, it's awesome!!!

Let's do this!!!! :rock!!

I can barely do 10 push-ups :lol.....
I can do 150 sit ups
And about 50 squats!

And I;m gonna try that next time....I didn't know that Subway had avocado....Is it like a guacamole?:drool

Great suggestion, why vinegar Bam, it has no nutritional value..?

I dunno...i like sour stuff I guess.....but i'm gonna try that avocado thing next time!

I got Pitu into this whole P90X trial with me! We're gonna start on Monday!!! We're gonna take pics before and after ...and hopefully see some transformations!:rock
So I decided to start on that P90X today...and just the warm up alone got my blood to boil!!! I sweated in places I didn't even know I had! :horror
This stuff is xtreme! The burn hurt so much that I started to laugh and shake at the same time! :lol

But I feel great! :banana
Haha, good for you, Bam. Yeah, there's no way not to sweat gallons doing the P90X. Also, it will be more fun doing it with Pitu. Okay, that didn't sound right, but you know what I mean. Make sure you take progress pics.
Haha, good for you, Bam. Yeah, there's no way not to sweat gallons doing the P90X. Also, it will be more fun doing it with Pitu. Okay, that didn't sound right, but you know what I mean. Make sure you take progress pics.

Well...yeah.... wish Pitu was with me doing it...we're 4 hours away...but we're gonna keep track of our progress via phone and web cam!! :rock

I did the Cardio program today....I think I'm gonna do the Kenpo Cardio tomorrow! And I went through 2 water bottles! :lol