I am a TUNA MAN!

I loves my sushi Tuna and Salmon...
Anyway, in here to see what the fuss is all about.
Walking every day. About two to three miles, up and down hills. I really push it the last leg. Doing some, not a lot, but some pushups, situps, and other exercises. Eating much better fare. Ate only an apple and some raisins for lunch, as I didn't have much time. Off to see my mom and will pick up a Subway sandwich.
I am eating a lot better than I was. NO fried, little if any sugar, no salt.
Feeling a lot better than I did about two months back, before Christmas, when I got sick. Just using that as a jumpstart to get better. Plus, well...I almost died Christmas eve, so....one does what one has to to stay alive.
Yeah, not sure many of you knew about the near death thing. I got sick from food poisoning that night, went out and ate at a chinese buffet place, and about four hours later, double barrelled it all out. By 1am I was so weak, I had to call an ambulance. Once at the emergency room, the doc there said I was "this" (held fingers close) to dying due to my extremely elevated blood pressure added to the extreme dehydration. If I had stayed home and tried to tough it out, well...you guys would be fighting over my loot I guess, 'cause I wouldn't be here.
It was that close.
SO....on the SERIOUS fat loss diet and on some cholesterol meds. Feeling lots better.
So...what more do I need to do? You guys started this, so, help a (former) fat boy out!