The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. have a pink iPod. This happened at my gym once, but it was another person's expensive watch. After hearing about that I leave my stuff in my car until I'm done working out and ready to change. Nothing gets out of my arm's length.

Free from my mom.:lol

I also leave my wallet and cell phone in my car, and my Ipod is with me for the whole time except for my 3 minute shower.
Couldn't sleep so I went and worked out. Added a couple different exercises to my routine and I feel totally pumped right now. Also, Ski do you know anywhere where I can find some recipes for meals? I'm trying to put together a little cookbook with some good stuff and the forum on doesn't really have a whole bunch recipes with pictures and what not. I'll post what I had for dinner tonight. Pulled it from Muscle and Fitness magazine:
Breaded Fish Fillet
Olive Oil
1/4 cup Parmesan Cheese
Shake of garlic salt
Shake of Italian Seasoning
8 oz. tilapia fillets (or whatever fish you feel like)
How to cook:
Coat the skillet with olive oil and place over medium heat. Beat the egg in a bowl; mix the cheese, garlic salt, and Italian seasoning on a plate. Dunk the fish in the egg, then coat both sides with the Parmesan cheese mixture. Place the fish in a skillet and cook both sides until its brown. Flake with a fork before removing from pan to test that its done.
299 calories, 53g protein, 0g carbs, 15g fat.
So guys...I'm going to try to get fit now too. Bam, way to girl! I hate going to the gym I'm just walking an hour everyday. And for the days I can't go out, I just garden for an hour. That's a lot of activity for my lazy ass self...

I did notice though that I am hungrier all the time. So does that mean that my metabolism has kicked up from all this newfound activity?

And also--I love protein shakes. Is that why I'm gaining weight? If I have a protein shake, it's not I want to eat more. I was 102 and now I'm at 106. WTF? I'm getting mad.

FTW is right !!! That my dear is nothing !


Thanx Jessica! Yeah...i used to hate the gym too....but I love this new one I'm going to.....I dunno what it is....maybe it's becuz I'm surrounded by real people....all the beefcakes have a separate room that they go pump iron I don't feel that intimidated. :lol

And I know u think ur getting fat....but gurlfriend....I wish ti had ur weight! :lol



Yeah wedding ring, cell phone and money clip all stays in my car. I've been doing that for a long time, too many low scrums in the gym.

Ringer, I'm glad you got it back bro, too much other stuff to worry about than someone jacking ur sh....


I have been doing this for some time and feel better for it. I don't even bring my phone with me. Ipod and car key. Nada mas ! :rock
My blood is really pumping now. Never thought it would happen to me but when I got out of my shower after the workout someone stole my Ipod. Thankfully this jackass when I got out was going through other lockers and asked me if he had seen his money, and I asked him if he saw a pink Ipod. I rushed up to the front desk because I knew this guy did it, and made them aware and some guy went looking for him. Found him and brought him up. This guy had it in his shoe and the great thing about Ipods is that no two are alike. So the person at the front desk asked what was on it, and he started naming off a bunch of rap stuff, and I was like WRONG AGAIN! I said 75% of it is filled with LOTR music and the only rap song I had on it was shake your tailfeather. Felt so so good to get this piece of garbage. My Ipod is the heart and sole of my workout and atm I really don't have any extra money for one.

Sorry for venting but that got me going! :cuss:cuss:cuss:cuss:cuss :D

LOTR Music for workouts?

Couldn't sleep so I went and worked out. Added a couple different exercises to my routine and I feel totally pumped right now. Also, Ski do you know anywhere where I can find some recipes for meals? I'm trying to put together a little cookbook with some good stuff and the forum on doesn't really have a whole bunch recipes with pictures and what not. I'll post what I had for dinner tonight. Pulled it from Muscle and Fitness magazine:
Breaded Fish Fillet
Olive Oil
1/4 cup Parmesan Cheese
Shake of garlic salt
Shake of Italian Seasoning
8 oz. tilapia fillets (or whatever fish you feel like)
How to cook:
Coat the skillet with olive oil and place over medium heat. Beat the egg in a bowl; mix the cheese, garlic salt, and Italian seasoning on a plate. Dunk the fish in the egg, then coat both sides with the Parmesan cheese mixture. Place the fish in a skillet and cook both sides until its brown. Flake with a fork before removing from pan to test that its done.
299 calories, 53g protein, 0g carbs, 15g fat.

My blog of course....
Thanks Ski. You should set something up so we can print them easily. I would keep them in a book at home ! :rock

I have so much chicken breast in my freezer I am always in need of new ways to cook it up ! :rock
Ah well, I'm having a coffee break from painting & sculpting so I figured I'd finally jump into this thread.

(very) brief history:
When i was in my early 20's I was going to the gym most weekdays, and weighed around 12.5 stone (175 lbs). At that point in considered myself to be in good shape and looked good. (slim waist, defined abs, broad shoulders/back).

Over the following 10 years or so I basically stopped going to the gym, had to stop work due to my epilepsy (I used to walk several miles per day with my job... and I went from that to sitting on my arse watching daytime TV all day lol). Then I went on new epilepsy medication, one of the side effects of which was weight gain! (so existing weight + no gym + being a couch potato + new weight-gain epilepsy drugs = one fat bastard!!)

At my heaviest I'd gone up to around 16 stone (224 lbs) - I had a massive gut, I had boobs... the whole lot. God I hated it lol.

I decided to do something about it and started going to the gym (occasionally) and doing some running. (if you could call it that... I could barely jog 100 yards when I started) - this went up to about 2 miles a day, and I did this up until my wedding a couple of years ago.

I figured seeing that I was now 35ish I'd never get back down to the weight I was at 24 again... so I settled for a target of 13.5 stone (189) - at my wedding day I weighted under my original weight by a few pounds. I was over the moon!! :banana

The couple of years since I did less and less running as my commission workload had shot through the roof and I refused to take time out of the day to exercise. I'd only do it if I managed to get up at 5am or something... before the day started. I was running on and off.

More off then on though :lol

My fitness dropped back down to pathetic levels and I couldn't even manage two miles anymore when I tried.

Then something stupid (wonderful?) happened.....

I decided to run a Marathon this year

So that's where I am at the moment. I'm signed up for the Loch Ness Marathon up in Scotland on the 3rd October. Doing it for charity too (seemed daft not to) - 50/50 between The National Society for Epilepsy (I have epilepsy) and The British Heart Foundation (my Dad died of a heart attack just before my wedding a couple of years ago). I've been running between 2 - 4 times a week to try to build up my fitness to 'respectable' levels so I can start my actual 16 week training plan in June.

Last week I did my first ever 5 mile run with no walking breaks. A record for me. Getting better :rock

Its funny how I've changed, I used to hate running... always have since I was a kid. Only ever did it as a ten minute warm up at the gym. But now? I absolutely LOVE it. So much so that over the weekend me and Jane went to Paris for a delayed anniversary trip, and I took my running gear with me lol. (how could I miss the chance to go for a run through Paris?!)

I'll upload the photos I took once I get them off my phone. (I uploaded them to facebook but I can't figure out how to share the album away from facebook itself)

so um.... yeah, that's my fitness (and lack of) story... sorry for it being so long (god I talk too much lol) - anyway at least I won't have to tell you it again :rotfl

Darren :peace
I just figured out how you share a facebook album with non-facebook friends. Here's the link to my Mobile Uploads album. The recent stuff is Paris and included my 4 mile through-the-city run, after that there's other stuff... some Paris some other places.

I pretty much did the same thing Darren. Now im nrly 36 and i need to get back to about 11 stone or so as ive got a fat belly. I hate running so ive started cycling and doing cardio and weights at home. I dont want to be buff like i was years ago when i went to the gym, as i went from about 10 stone to about 13+ stone of muscle, but slimmer, fitter and more toned would be nice :)
Haven't been in here forever but since I am in training for Warrior Dash next month, figured seeing how others are doing was a good place to keep me focused.

Currently getting up at 3:45 in the morning to hit the gym by 4:15. Run for 2 mile on the treadmill then do my weight training and stretching until about 5:20. Then shower and off to work.

After work I take the family to the wood chip trail not too far away so I can run again and get my legs used to the unsteady ground and hills.

I have been off of supplements for over a year now and it looks like I will have to get some today as my hips and knees are not used to all of the running. Will probably pick up some glucosamine, creatine and whey to start for supplements.

Also need to pick up some fat free greek yogurt and lots of berries and nuts, as well as the usual staple of fish and chicken.

I've always been a sprinter so conditioning to become a runner is not an easy task but I feel amazing after a good run. Just have to remember to pump the body with electrolytes and carbs right after a run and get more protein to the muscles.

Good luck to everyone on your goals - I'll try to keep my progress updated. I get side tracked with work, school, kids and training twice a day. So I will lapse.

After Warrior Dash is done, I am thinking of doing a half Marathon in October and then Tough Mudder next year.
Forgive me Skilord for I have binged. It has been days since I've eaten anything with trans fat. I accused myself of the following sins.

Two super size fries
6 mcnuggets( I ate 4. I think.)
A bag of Dorritos
A boston cream donut
A slice of maple cake
A trip to Chinatown...:monkey3
Forgive me Skilord for I have binged. It has been days since I've eaten anything with trans fat. I accused myself of the following sins.

Two super size fries
6 mcnuggets( I ate 4. I think.)
A bag of Dorritos
A boston cream donut
A slice of maple cake
A trip to Chinatown...:monkey3

Jinxx, je ne peux pas croire que vous l'avez fait quelque chose pour vous une honte de vous-même, c'est la hollocaust de remise en forme et je vous demande de revenir dans les engins! Hasta Manana, * arrache boxeurs *
Haven't been in here forever but since I am in training for Warrior Dash next month, figured seeing how others are doing was a good place to keep me focused.

Currently getting up at 3:45 in the morning to hit the gym by 4:15. Run for 2 mile on the treadmill then do my weight training and stretching until about 5:20. Then shower and off to work.

After work I take the family to the wood chip trail not too far away so I can run again and get my legs used to the unsteady ground and hills.

I have been off of supplements for over a year now and it looks like I will have to get some today as my hips and knees are not used to all of the running. Will probably pick up some glucosamine, creatine and whey to start for supplements.

Also need to pick up some fat free greek yogurt and lots of berries and nuts, as well as the usual staple of fish and chicken.

I've always been a sprinter so conditioning to become a runner is not an easy task but I feel amazing after a good run. Just have to remember to pump the body with electrolytes and carbs right after a run and get more protein to the muscles.

Good luck to everyone on your goals - I'll try to keep my progress updated. I get side tracked with work, school, kids and training twice a day. So I will lapse.

After Warrior Dash is done, I am thinking of doing a half Marathon in October and then Tough Mudder next year.

That is way too much for me .. but maybe some day.

Can't wait to hear more bro. Make sure someone takes pics for the rest of us to see ! :rock

Forgive me Skilord for I have binged. It has been days since I've eaten anything with trans fat. I accused myself of the following sins.

Two super size fries
6 mcnuggets( I ate 4. I think.)
A bag of Dorritos
A boston cream donut
A slice of maple cake
A trip to Chinatown...:monkey3

FTW !!!!

1 Apple
10 Almonds
2 cups of green tea

That is way too much for me .. but maybe some day.

Can't wait to hear more bro. Make sure someone takes pics for the rest of us to see ! :rock

FTW !!!!

1 Apple
10 Almonds
2 cups of green tea


You know me bro. Go Big or Go Home. Once I put my mind to something, I don't stop until it is done.

So far today I have had to following;

32oz Gatorade
12oz water
16oz coffee
cup of granola with a cup of skim milk
Jinxx, je ne peux pas croire que vous l'avez fait quelque chose pour vous une honte de vous-même, c'est la hollocaust de remise en forme et je vous demande de revenir dans les engins! Hasta Manana, * arrache boxeurs *

I'm so ashamed. I will ban myself from this thread until I do something to get back at your good graces. I'm not worthy.
