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Damn. I just bought blueberry so I guess I should have stuck to grape. Oh well I will use it and lose it.

It just basically gives you a lot of flem in back of the throat. It taste good though. I just found myself coughing and hacking a lil more than I never do :lol
Since everyone at work here takes there breaks to go out and puff I asked my boss if I could go for a jog around our complex instead. I figured they puff pretty much every hour for 5 minutes so that is 40 minutes. The business park I work in is a big circle thats just under 2 miles. Soooo for the last two weeks I've been jogging like mad. I've come in a few days early to get one in mid day then in the evening. In the last two week I've probably jogged 15-18 miles. I forget what a decent mile time is but I get back to work between 20 -24 minutes. I've cut back my portions and not eating junk food, but only lost two pounds. :monkey2

I know if I keep it up it will start coming off faster its just the start that sucks. The wife and I are competing in a biggest loser competition. I figure even if she wins the contest I still win :monkey3
Hey Ski, out of curiosity when you called superpump superdump was their logic behind that or not?

In the past they had way too much Magnesium in the formula and that cause diarrhea but supposedly they corrected that but still there are some incidents where people more or less had to take it on a empty stomach in order to get it to stick.

I really haven't used it since 2007.
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For the last week my stomach is rumbling like crazy and I'm feeling it. :lol You said you use white flood, correct?

Yup and never looked back! The Superdump was more annoying that anything it provided the pump and had the arginine for the N.O. with caffeine but was it worth it.... One word "NO!!!!!!!!!"

Check out my blog for a homemade version of N.O. that I use to stack together, much cheaper in the long run and you won't be buying a N.O. supp monthly. Or it's up to you... I just like to get supps all at once and not worry about it for some time.
I might as well make the most of my VS coupons. Is the Xtend stuff thats all the buzz good for post wo or is it one of those throughout the day things? Also thinking about picking up another tub of Pro Complex.
I'm am usually against a shredded core on a woman but I agree with Wookie, she is smokin. I guess it just works differently on different women.

Yeah 99.9% of the time I don't like women to have that raging ripped look, but the woman in my picture also has a beautiful face....while many times the "olympian" women tend to look a little manly.
Greek Yogurt ROCKS!!! Has way more protein than regular yogurt and it tastes great with berries added.

Every morning i have a wholegrain or flaxseed waffle with greek yogurt, blueberries and chopped almonds. Not only does it taste good but it is filling too.

I used to do this... I have to this again. :banghead
Did some legs today and added some biceps to it. Gonna start doing arms twice a week now. I just read a great article in June's Muscle and Fitness issue in regards to BCAAs. Its on page 52 if you spot it at a newstand and feel like reading it for yourself.

"BCAAs are known for their anabolic and immune- boosting properties, but evidence from Oita University (Japan) shows they help prevent fat gain, too. Scientists added the BCAA isoleucine to the drinking water of mice fed a very high-fat diet. Not only was their weight gain 6% lower than those who didn't get the isoleucine, but their bodyfat mass in certain areas was also cut nearly in half. In addition, excess insulin levels were 39% lower and tissue triglyceride levels were greatly reduced in the supplemented group. Last, levels of key fat-burning proteins also increased."
Got a hell of a workout playing 18 holes of golf without a cart yesterday. I just love that worn out feeling in your muscles, makes you feel all ripped and ready to kick some ass :lol
:lol:lol:lol :rock

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Did some legs today and added some biceps to it. Gonna start doing arms twice a week now. I just read a great article in June's Muscle and Fitness issue in regards to BCAAs. Its on page 52 if you spot it at a newstand and feel like reading it for yourself.

"BCAAs are known for their anabolic and immune- boosting properties, but evidence from Oita University (Japan) shows they help prevent fat gain, too. Scientists added the BCAA isoleucine to the drinking water of mice fed a very high-fat diet. Not only was their weight gain 6% lower than those who didn't get the isoleucine, but their bodyfat mass in certain areas was also cut nearly in half. In addition, excess insulin levels were 39% lower and tissue triglyceride levels were greatly reduced in the supplemented group. Last, levels of key fat-burning proteins also increased."

Magic of BCAA's my friend, it's a supp I never leave home with out it. It's the Matrix, Triforce and Precious of bodybuilding. :lecture