Super Freak
Thankyou Skiman
Saturday's workout! 2009-12-19
First session in the morning before, the afternoon workout.
One hour of cardio on the treadmill 60 minutes at a 3.5-4 speed on a incline of 2.5
Second session in the evening workout.
First off I begin chinups and calves with every workout, something taken from the great Oak himself.
50 chinups, no matter how long it takes...
5 sets of calve raise, 20X R. Foot 20X L. Foot
Leg Extensions:
Set 1: 50lbs X 20
Set 2: 70lbs X 20
Set 3: 90lbs X 20
Set 4: 110lbs X 20
Set 5: 130lbs X 20
Leg Press:
Going high volume, so as many sets until I can get 12 plates max'd out on the first pegs of the machine. (lbs do not include the sled, I think it's like 45lbs, who cares...)
Set 1: 90lbs X 20
Set 2: 180lbs X 20
Set 3: 270lbs X 20
Set 4: 360lbs X 20
Set 5: 450lbs X 20
Set 6: 540lbs X 20
Set 7: 630lbs X 20
Set 8: 720lbs X 20
Set 9: 810lbs X 20
Set 10: 900lbs X 20
Set 11: 990lbs X 20
Set 12: 1080lbs X 20
Set 13: 1170lbs X 20
Hack Squats:
(Same goes here I don't count the sled lbs.)
Set 1: 90lbs X 20
Set 2: 180lbs X 20
Set 3: 270lbs X 20
Set 4: 360lbs X 20
Set 5: 540lbs X 20
Set 1: 90lbs X 20
Regular Squats:
Set 1: 135lbs X 12
Set 2: 185lbs X 10
Set 3: 225lbs X 10
Set 4: 275lbs X 8
Set 5: 315lbs X 6
Set 6: 365lbs X 3
One Legged Lunges (Smith):
(don't count the bar weight on the Smith machine)
Set 1: 50lbs X 10
Set 2: 100lbs X 8
Set 3: 150lbs X 6
Set 3: 180lbs X 4
One hour of cardio on the treadmill 60 minutes at a 3.5-4 speed on a incline of 2.5
personally I'm finding it hard to motivate past 2 days a week, been back at the gym since Oct 11 after a years break & I'm back too or surpassed my previous best & still gaining muscle, but man it's hard to commit past 2 days, help me Ski ur my only help,MOTIVATE MEEEEE! I don't want to be bodybuilder big, but Ilike being strong & bulky
I'll take note of those, i think I'll start taking my I phone to gym as I have the Ifitness with the Vids etc. I did Leg Press, sitting back & sitting up, leg curls & seated calf raises with 2 lots of tread mill ten mins before & after the excercises. I think I want to aim to get a lot bigger this year
How long are you. Resting between sets? Sounds like u r in the gym for 2-3 hours. I'm a single dad. 1 minute rest between sets and 20-45 minutes cardio when I can. In and out in 1-1.5 hours. I do all I can.
Skiman, any tips on how to grow the chest? I am having a hard time getting it to grow after a certain point. My strength is ever improving, but for the life of me, not getting the results in my chest like I am everywhere else on my body. And yes, that includes legs which a lot of body builders have difficulty with.... especially in the calves.
Thanks in advance!
See here's the thing with this, in order to be THAT big or bulky you have work/eat like it's your last day on earth. Trust me no one gets giganto like that unless two things are happening. You are training like a animal while eating tons of food. (Which I've been doing in order to add mass, I made it close to 240lbs this year @ 13-15% BF)
You ever heard of bb'ers eating until they throw up...?Yea, that is the kind of focus that these guys are putting themselves through.
The other way is illegalwhich I think everyone all ready knows what's going on there.
THanks mate, I gain mass pretty well, Never been interested the other stuff if you know what I mean like it natural (well protein shakes anyway) just got to push myself to go 4-5 times a week & mix it up to stave off boredom, I find it a bit tough until I start seeing results then it s all good. Will be doing that leg workout for sure & thanks for the chest workout vids, seems I was doing something right .
This is my weekly routine now. Since I started, I have gained about 25lbs of muscle mass and dropped close to 30lbs of unwanted body fat.
Mondays - Daily Ultimate Training (think Boot Camp on Crack)
Tuesdays - Kenpo Conditioning & 1 hour Personal Training Session
Wednesdays - Daily Ultimate Training x's 2
Thursdays - Kenpo Conditioning
Fridays - Either day off or stretching and cardio
Saturdays & Sundays - Free days to do whatever I want
I am very strict on my nutrition and eat lots of protein, don't eat any complex carbs after 1, and take vitamins, l-glutamine, gluclosamine sulfate, carnitine, and BCAA (before and after workouts).
Since I joined UFC Gym here I find that I spend no less than 2 1/2 hours at the gym on the days I go.