Super Freak
Sweet potatoes instead of brown rice? Peas are good too for muscle growth correct?
I know about the grapefruit. I do prefer them but i'm a buy in bulk kinda guy and grapefruits just don't last long enough. Apples I know are way to sugary to eat daily.
When you say calorie deficit are you saying "eat less" in a nutshell?
Yep the rice is starchy so a better carb would be the complex ones.
Veggies/greens are good for fiber and keeping everything regular, also pretty much your multi-vitamin is what the veggies are giving you.
Sort of, so say that in order maintain your body as it is right now you are at 2600 calories and your decifit is -500, that's 2100 that you are running at per week. After the week is over weigh yourself and see the results, take measurements of BF. If no improvement, make the decifit -600 and so forth. Now you are at a 2000 calorie diet for week, weigh yourself again and take measurements and BF percentage.
You'll soon find your sweet spot to where it's working, that's how you can gage and find out where your body is most efficient.