All water... it's what happens when I drop carbs, start 2 gallons a day and then add more cardio sessions per day... The bike ride machine at work and bikes rides during the evening really help burn more calories than just lifting and cardio sessions during the gym in the morning.
Ok, that sounds like my experiences. I always had more luck with bike riding and losing water than anything else.
Retention of water, though...that's my problem. Too much f*ng water in my system, and it's getting worse as I get older. Problem is....I that I used to be in football and track in HS and college, and you know how that goes...lifting, running and busting your balls day in and out. Well, I believe my body adapted to losing water 24/7. Now that I'm not even half as active, my body stores it like a chipmunk.
I've never liked the "take in more water" principle, so I have to ask, how much water do you take in on a daily basis when you're in cutting phase?
Is it more or less during non-cutting?
It's pretty amazing how the body works and how quickly it changes once you throw it a curve ball.
Especially knuckleballs.
No, but seriously, I always believed in changing the routine every 6 weeks. It's worked for me in the past, so I'm going for it again this time around.
I just need to stick with it.
I feel like Bale training for the TDK or maybe skimming down to the Machinist.

4% is the goal for the comp, I hoping to keep at least 90% of the mass that was put on during these 8 months I've been bulking.
Damn, somehow I thought you might say 4%!

I was 4% in college, and haven't seen it since.

90% would be awesome, man. That actually would be one hell of a feat, honestly.
Keep posting your progress, pics and advice, Ski.
They're pumping up my motivation!
Damn Skiman, you're a big fella!
And just throwing this out there about the sleep. I sleep probably 5 1/2 to 6 hours a night myself, but I used to work in a sleep research lab as an undergrad, and the guy who ran it said people should sleep 7-8 hours a night to get the maximum benefit from it.
That's definitely in the safe zone and probably preferred for most people.