The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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That pop tart vid was hilarious! :rotfl
Thanks for posting, Ski!

I'm a little worried, though, that it causes your counting skills to diminish and for a person to forget where they're at or what time it is, as God knows I downed several of those things in my college days. :lol

I used to be just like this until I had a kid. Now, my current situation as a single father requires more sleep from me. I didn't nickname my daughter Rogue for no reason. She sucks the energy from me!

Now that is the truth!!!
I've never been sooo tired in all my life. They seriously suck you dry of all your energy....but it's worth it, right!

I also started exercising (running) almost every day, and I'm probably in the best cardiovascular shape of my life, but my joints started really aching because of it, so now I'm trying to force myself to skip a day or two between runs to let the body heal up a bit. The exercise doesn't seem to have played a big role in my weight loss, btw. I already lost nearly 20 pounds before I started exercising in earnest.

Dang, karamzov! Congrats man! :hi5:

Now, I only get that way toward the end of the day when I get home from work. From about 5:30 to 6:00 I nearly nod off every day and the wife has to handle baby. Then I wake up and stay up until midnight or so. Weird.

I take a 10min cat nap once per day. I feel super refreshed afterwards.

Anything over 10min, though, and the day is over. :lol
Now that is the truth!!!
I've never been sooo tired in all my life. They seriously suck you dry of all your energy....but it's worth it, right!

wouldn't change it for the world. Nothing better than coming home after a long day to my little girl screaming "Daddy!!" and giving me the biggest hug.

Some progress pics :lol, I'm used to posting progress pics on customs. Started the cut about 2.5 weeks
ago, originally 237.5lbs 15% BF and now weighing in on this pics at 220lbs prolly around 13-14% BF. I started
my cut a little earlier than 90 days prior to the competition this October on Halloween but I figured it couldn't
hurt since this is the heaviest at the leanest I've been in my bb'ing career (237.5lbs).

Some current stats:
Height: 5'10
Weight: 220 (dropped 17.5)
Chest: unknown, was 52-53+
Shoulders: 67
Biceps: 20
Waist: 33-34
Quads: 30
Calves: 18
Forearms: 14
Neck: 20
Butt: unknown



Time to keep keeping at it, gonna win the Pro Card this year! :rock

Last edited:
Some progress pics :lol, I'm used to posting progress pics on customs. Started the cut about 2.5 weeks
ago, originally 237.5lbs 15% BF and now weighing in on this pics at 220lbs prolly around 13-14% BF. I started
my cut a little earlier than 90 days prior to the competition this October on Halloween but I figured it couldn't
hurt since this is the heaviest at the leanest I've been in my bb'ing career (237.5lbs).

Some current stats:
Height: 5'10
Weight: 220 (dropped 17.5)
Chest: Can crack a walnut open, was 52-53+
Shoulders: 67
Biceps: 20
Quads: 30
Calves: 18
Forearms: 14
Neck: 20



Time to keep keeping at it, gonna win the Pro Card this year! :rock




Damn! Now that's some weight dropping! :clap

What BF % do you need to hit for competition?

All water... it's what happens when I drop carbs, start 2 gallons a day and then add more cardio sessions per day... The bike ride machine at work and bikes rides during the evening really help burn more calories than just lifting and cardio sessions during the gym in the morning.

It's pretty amazing how the body works and how quickly it changes once you throw it a curve ball.

I feel like Bale training for the TDK or maybe skimming down to the Machinist. :lol

4% is the goal for the comp, I hoping to keep at least 90% of the mass that was put on during these 8 months I've been bulking.

Damn Skiman, you're a big fella!

And just throwing this out there about the sleep. I sleep probably 5 1/2 to 6 hours a night myself, but I used to work in a sleep research lab as an undergrad, and the guy who ran it said people should sleep 7-8 hours a night to get the maximum benefit from it.
All water... it's what happens when I drop carbs, start 2 gallons a day and then add more cardio sessions per day... The bike ride machine at work and bikes rides during the evening really help burn more calories than just lifting and cardio sessions during the gym in the morning.

Ok, that sounds like my experiences. I always had more luck with bike riding and losing water than anything else.

Retention of water, though...that's my problem. Too much f*ng water in my system, and it's getting worse as I get older. Problem is....I that I used to be in football and track in HS and college, and you know how that goes...lifting, running and busting your balls day in and out. Well, I believe my body adapted to losing water 24/7. Now that I'm not even half as active, my body stores it like a chipmunk. :gah:

I've never liked the "take in more water" principle, so I have to ask, how much water do you take in on a daily basis when you're in cutting phase?
Is it more or less during non-cutting?

It's pretty amazing how the body works and how quickly it changes once you throw it a curve ball.

Especially knuckleballs. :lol

No, but seriously, I always believed in changing the routine every 6 weeks. It's worked for me in the past, so I'm going for it again this time around.
I just need to stick with it. :(

I feel like Bale training for the TDK or maybe skimming down to the Machinist. :lol


4% is the goal for the comp, I hoping to keep at least 90% of the mass that was put on during these 8 months I've been bulking.

Damn, somehow I thought you might say 4%! :thud:
I was 4% in college, and haven't seen it since. :lol:(

90% would be awesome, man. That actually would be one hell of a feat, honestly.

Keep posting your progress, pics and advice, Ski.
They're pumping up my motivation!

Damn Skiman, you're a big fella!

And just throwing this out there about the sleep. I sleep probably 5 1/2 to 6 hours a night myself, but I used to work in a sleep research lab as an undergrad, and the guy who ran it said people should sleep 7-8 hours a night to get the maximum benefit from it.

That's definitely in the safe zone and probably preferred for most people.
Ok, that sounds like my experiences. I always had more luck with bike riding and losing water than anything else.

Retention of water, though...that's my problem. Too much f*ng water in my system, and it's getting worse as I get older. Problem is....I that I used to be in football and track in HS and college, and you know how that goes...lifting, running and busting your balls day in and out. Well, I believe my body adapted to losing water 24/7. Now that I'm not even half as active, my body stores it like a chipmunk. :gah:

I've never liked the "take in more water" principle, so I have to ask, how much water do you take in on a daily basis when you're in cutting phase?
Is it more or less during non-cutting?

I usually take in more for the first 30 days, but I'll drop it off as time gets closer to the comp.

For just regular losing or maintaining weight, at least a gallon.

Ski - since my main focus now is to continue lifting but focus more on cutting, would you recommend upping my cardio/lowering carb intake? No matter how strong I get, size just doesn't happen for me. I'm a mesomorph and I need to embrace my swimmers body.

Purely want to lose BF at this point.