I'm nowhere near what you would call a diehard fitness nut, but I can vouch for the thing about sticking with your plan. I changed my diet pretty drastically in late January, and until now lost about 30 pounds. I could have lost more but recently (over the last month really) I stopped being so disciplined. I still eat better than I used to, but I find myself eating a bit more, and a bit more unhealthy than I was. I'm trying to get back into things, though. It's tough because your body does become sort of addicted to what you're doing, and it is tough to wean yourself off of those habits. I just really crave sugary and fatty food sometimes. But in general, my plan was simply to keep my diet under 2,000 calories a day (probably closer to 1,500-1,700), and to minimize saturated fats, and that really seems to have done the job.
I also started exercising (running) almost every day, and I'm probably in the best cardiovascular shape of my life, but my joints started really aching because of it, so now I'm trying to force myself to skip a day or two between runs to let the body heal up a bit. The exercise doesn't seem to have played a big role in my weight loss, btw. I already lost nearly 20 pounds before I started exercising in earnest.
"I dunno how Ski stays so lean or has all this muscle. . ."
I think you must have overheard someone talking about me, Skiman. Sorry for the confusion.
*same reason why a bodybuilding will start sucking on Jolly Ranchers backstage a few hours before pose offs*)
I didn't nickname my daughter Rogue for no reason. She sucks the energy from me!
Ha! It's funny, but before I had my own, my little niece and nephew used to do that to me. Whenever they would come around, I would start getting tired right off, as if they really were sucking energy out of others and giving it to themselves

Now, I only get that way toward the end of the day when I get home from work. From about 5:30 to 6:00 I nearly nod off every day and the wife has to handle baby. Then I wake up and stay up until midnight or so. Weird.