Axe I know what you and everyone else who is willing to put time in money into one of their figs are saying. I do the same. I buy their figures knowing that to bring them up to a personal acceptable speed, it takes more time and money. Everyone's level of tweaking will vary. Some people are 90% happy with it out of the box while others will Frankenstein the body, ect.
I have accepted that I have to switch the body and shoes on every figure that I get from them. I also have to source out appropriate hands and extra accessories, or upgrade already included accessories. Those are just things that my personal standards require to make these quality sets for me. Some people may do more, some may do less.
But the one thing that I want to be able to count on straight out of the box is a good quality, correct scale sculpt that needs NO tweaking and good clothes to match. Otherwise where do the mods end? As far as I'm concerned I'm doing a lot as is to improve these sets.
I agree.
Personally, I don't have the time, knowledge or talent in order to modify anything that comes - and quite honestly, I don't think you should have to.
Whether it's $300 or $600 or $1000 - you're paying for a product, and at the end of the day, if it's lacking, then you didn't get what you paid for. Should I have to completely disrobe the character, tighten and glue joints just to get the thing to stand up? (In my opinion, hell no.)
I understand that there will ALWAYS be people here who are looking for a level of perfection that will make them mod until the cows come home - and that's great, because it sounds like they enjoy it.
But, I rather like the fact that there are custom artists out there that you don't have to do a damn thing when you open the package - Beto's figures, Rainman's figures (for example).
Forget the cost - they just have that extra level of quality so that you can do what we ALL want to do at the end of the day - display them.
I have a set of the Se7en figures that I can't even display because I can't get them to stand up (even with SS stands that I bought.) Why? Because the costs were kept down by using inferior bodies.
Hearing about all of the mods needed to make them a better quality makes me wonder why they were just not done in the first place. Clearly there's a market for selling figures at $500 a pop.
Again, I agree with PCK - the figures should be ready to go out of the box. If there are perfectionists that want to mod until rapture, then that's their decision.