Looks very good! After seeing this though, I feel there is a subtle, but very systematic style that is affecting most of Rainman's more recent sculpts. You can almost tell that a sculpt is Rainman's vs. someone else's because of this.
Dont think there will be any tweaking of the sculpt, because honestly these things that have been 'tweaked' other than the balding hair will not even be noticeable on display or even if you hold him close to your eyes...
Plus these are in test painting stages... which means sculpt has practically been approved. Sometimes I think we collectors take the nit picking way too much... very soon 3d accurate headscans with 3d printing will be the only way to satisfy people.
Pfft.....that's not the Skipper.
Thread REPORTED!!!
Sculpt looks good. Some minor changes already suggested would work especially fixing the hairline and those bloodshot bags under his eyes needs a bit of subtle work But overall an instant buy! Can't wait to have Tony on my shelves!.
The facial features look good. The hairline and overall shape of the head are completely wrong. As it stands right now, I'd easily pass unless they can nail down a bit more Gandolfini.
Here's another fattened up image with a wider neck as an example.
Thanks guys , let me just say I'm only trying to help out if the sculpt does get altered. I don't want it to come across as if I'm trying to one up the physical work that's gone into this as it will be much much harder to make these changes and capture any likeness in hand.