Super Freak
Your the only person coming off with any sense of entitlement, and the only one insulting people, why are you taking any of this personally is beyond me, you talk to the guy but your not a part of his team.
My lack of econimics is glaring? Kid the fact is he couldn't make this happen period if he had to pay for licensing rights, he's only on the schedule he puts forward.

If you go back to the first couple of pages after the sculpt was first shown and read the posts from those criticizing , most , if not all of us as well as complimenting the sculptor on a great job were also simply giving our opinions on what could be improved if it were an option.
Then all of a sudden we should be happy with what we've got and not " screaming for perfection ". None of us are !.
I and am sure everyone else were simply making suggestions and if you read back most of us were really happy to see the sculpt anyway and thought it looked quite good.
Some people will say they wont be buying the figure based on the photo because they feel the likeness is off but that doesn't mean they're demanding perfection either , they're just backing out and disappointed with what was a promising project for them.
A couple of points also from someone who's posts are apparently hilarious.
* If you respect someones business and are friends with them try not to be rude to their potential customers.
* If you instantly have to critisize anybody who makes suggestions because of financial constraints then something in the business needs to be changed because things like this happen and eventually in one project down the line something will happen and changes will be necessary.
* If you are simply trying to put across that the sculpt is final and nothing will be changed then just say that and if you don't like any of the suggestions ignore them. We have the right to post anything we like in this thread and it isn't a personal attack at Iminime's team or anyone involved with this figure.
Frankly I'm surprised at how downhill this thread has ended up within a few hours due to a few of us politely making some suggestions and complimenting Rainman's sculpt so you might want to rethink the way you come across in these project threads since you might put off more people than you'd think. Especially if the project is as you say not popular in an Asian market.
All in all , this thread has left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth and it's honestly I'm not sure if I'm interested now. I can completely understand why there were problems in the other threads and it's not us mate.
I do have a question though , if you aren't part of the business and aren't involved in the finances and project why are you so quick to assume the sculpt wont be changed and that Rainman and Iminime wouldn't like to make this as best they can to please their fans ?.
This business must really be struggling if you are already assuming changes such as fattening up the sculpts face aren't likely.
Financial constraints are obviously an issue in most business's but in one such as this where one of your primary goals in to build a customer base this is a bad way to go about it. I know it isn't the case but from the way you reply to people here it's almost as if you don't want us to buy this.