The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)


I think it's cannibals. But yeah, I haven't read past the first compendium and the second compendium is coming to me for Christmas so I'll let you know. But beyond that is that Alexandria safe zone arc.

Really the woodbury vs. Prison war is the next big thing

Cheers! :hi5:
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Andrea...sleeping with two different men months apart, having sex twice in a year. What a slutty whore. All women are whores, right?

Kinda silly isn't it? Alot of guys think that way. I try to just ignore it. The Governor seems to be getting his fair share, but of course, he's not a women so he can't be a whore. :lol
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

When a woman sleeps with a man she's only been loosely aquainted with for 3 days, do you consider her virtuous? :lol

It may have been more than 3 days their time.

I'm betting the Governor rarely sleeps alone.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I didn't insult anyone ... except Andrea. You're the only one namecalling.

You were riled-up before I ever spoke to you. You wanted to make some sexual liberation point about loose Andrea being labeled a whore instead of Maggie, or married Lori, or whoremonger Shane, or whomever. Since I had called her the "whore of the apocalypse" -- I figured you were whining to me. Maybe you where whining to Nam. Same difference either way. I'm sure we're all sexists for noticing that she gets around even when there are only about two dozen people left alive.

Maybe you're overprotective.


She gets around? She slept with Shane and now the Governor. Big ass deal. :lol

I'm sure glad that slut Shane got his. Sleeping with Lori then Andrea. What a dirty pig. :monkey4

Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

She gets around? She slept with Shane and now the Governor. Big ass deal. :lol

I'm sure glad that slut Shane got his. Sleeping with Lori then Andrea. What a dirty pig. :monkey4


You're a little late to the party. When there are a half-dozen single middle-aged men on earth ... two is a lot. When only three have asked ... two is a lot. At this point, she's really only ruled out Walkers and Merle. Otherwise, the more psychopathic, the better.

She keeps asking how she can be helpful. Guess Shane and the Governor found something for her to do.

Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I didn't insult anyone ... except Andrea. You're the only one namecalling.
Calling me "oversensitive" and trying to provoke me after I've done nothing to you, to me, is insulting.

After that, I said you were trolling and acting like a D-bag. Which is all true. :dunno

You were riled-up before I ever spoke to you.
I wasn't and still am not riled-up. Judging by your astounding levels of hate and negativity towards me and apparently any woman who sleeps with more than one man in her lifetime, I'd say you're the one who's riled-up.

You wanted to make some sexual liberation point about loose Andrea being labeled a whore instead of Maggie, or married Lori, or whoremonger Shane, or whomever.
First of all, she's not loose. Second, I wanted to make some sexual liberation point? Are you serious? I simply questioned how sleeping with two guys in the span of a year in a zombie apocalypse when you're not in a relationship makes you a "whore".

Since I had called her the "whore of the apocalypse" -- I figured you were whining to me. Maybe you where whining to Nam. Same difference either way. I'm sure we're all sexists for noticing that she gets around even when there are only about two dozen people left alive.
I'm not whining to anyone, but notice how that's another trollish attempt to rile me up. Keep trying.

Sleeping with two different men when the world has practically ended, and those two instances being like, eight months apart is not "getting around".

Maybe you're overprotective.
....coming from the immature troll who has nothing better to do than start arguments on an internet forum?

Grow up and get out of the 50s.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Calling me "oversensitive" and trying to provoke me after I've done nothing to you, to me, is insulting. After that, I said you were trolling and acting like a D-bag. Which is all true. :dunno

Like I said. Oversensitive. You find insults where there are none. You see provokation in disagreement. You see "trolling" simply because you got "riled-up" about some percieved slight against you. And, you namecall in response. Because of what I think of a fictional character. Completely rational.

I wasn't and still am not riled-up. Judging by your astounding levels of hate and negativity towards me and apparently any woman who sleeps with more than one man in her lifetime, I'd say you're the one who's riled-up.

Of course not. Because "levels of hate and negativity toward me and any woman that sleeps with more than one man in her lifetimes" sounds completely not-riled-up. Good grief.

I don't know you. I don't have any particular "negativity" toward you except noting that you pick fights over the word "whore". I have no particular opinion on your sex life, or anybody elses. Just because I think Andrea is a whore doesn't mean anything about you. I didn't generalize, you did. It wasn't about you. O-V-E-R-S-E-N-S-I-T-I-V-E.

First of all, she's not loose. Second, I wanted to make some sexual liberation point? Are you serious? I simply questioned how sleeping with two guys in the span of a year in a zombie apocalypse when you're not in a relationship makes you a "whore".

You questioned. We answered. You continued. So what? I don't care that you don't think she's a whore ... why do you give a damn that I do? She's not real ... and she's the easiest chick in the world since the SHTF.

I'm not whining to anyone, but notice how that's another trollish attempt to rile me up. Keep trying.

Heh. Fever pitch.

Sleeping with two different men when the world has practically ended, and those two instances being like, eight months apart is not "getting around".

When she hasn't seen a single guy in the ensuing 8-months ... yeah, it is. She almost literally banged the next guy she met after Shane.

....coming from the immature troll who has nothing better to do than start arguments on an internet forum? [...] Grow up and get out of the 50s.

I didn't start the argument. You objected to the word "whore". Am I in the 50's?

Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

We need fancy titles for everyone on the show.
Andrea - Whorepocalypse? Apocaslut? Blondie?
Michonne - Grumpy? PMS (PreMenstrual Samurai) Chick?
Carl - The Big House Boy
Merle - Only thing that popped into my head was "Uncle ******r.

The are just names I'm throwing out there. I'm not dead set on them.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

You're a little late to the party. When there are a half-dozen single middle-aged men on earth ... two is a lot. When only three have asked ... two is a lot. At this point, she's really only ruled out Walkers and Merle. Otherwise, the more psychopathic, the better.

She keeps asking how she can be helpful. Guess Shane and the Governor found something for her to do.


Well, I have to work sometime.

Well, being a woman, I've always hated women being referred to as whores and sluts, simply because they've had more than one lover. She's single....she slept with 2 men in about 3 years time. Not much else to do for fun around there. :lol
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Merle could give Jason Voorhees a run for his money in the popping up in the right place at just the right moment department.

He even has his knife attached to his arm not even Jason has that :rotfl

I actually like Merle. Mostly for the same reasons I like Daryl. He's kinda funny, in a redneck good 'ol boy way.


I like him too. He's a great actor. Big smile, has a way with words.

I'd rather be in a room with Merle than with Andrea.

I like Merle too because of the same reasons, he is funny in a redneck kinda way and kinda dumb and he smiles a lot more than Daryl for example.
Daryl has never made me laugh but Merle just being on screen makes me chuckle :lol
I like his voice too even when he speaks he is funny
is weird but for being the most unlikable character on the show I rather see him than Andrea or the Governor's scientist guy for example.

Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Like I said. Oversensitive. You find insults where there are none. You see provokation in disagreement. You see "trolling" simply because you got "riled-up" about some percieved slight against you. And, you namecall in response. Because of what I think of a fictional character. Completely rational.

I didn't start the argument. You objected to the word "whore". Am I in the 50's?

Really going to blatantly lie like that? Heh, why stop now.

This first quote of yours, down below, started the argument. I hadn't said anything negative to anyone, wasn't even directly replying to you. Yet you immediately got all ******** and decided to be rude.
Your choice, not mine. You're the instigator.

We get it. You're enlightened. La-de-da.

She's slept with most of the men left on the planet. And probably Michonne. Some women are whores.

^ I ignored your rude and exaggerated comments and replied to something Nam said, still...not a touch of negativity in my words.

Then you reply to me with this, accusing me of trying to start an argument and calling me oversensitive:

I know its an apocalypse. That's why I called her "the whore of the apocalypse".

You're just a crusader looking to pick a fight. Lighten up. Andrea ain't even a real person. No need for the oversensitive to swoop in to defend her virtue.


And now, I'm sure you'll reply with yet another douchey post riddled with lies and insults as you have been since the beginning.
Hope you're proud of yourself. :wave
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Really going to blatantly lie like that? Heh, why stop now.

This first quote of yours, down below, started the argument. I hadn't said anything negative to anyone, wasn't even directly replying to you. Yet you immediately got all ******** and decided to be rude.
Your choice, not mine. You're the instigator.

^ I ignored your rude and exaggerated comments and replied to something Nam said, still...not a touch of negativity in my words.

Then you reply to me with this, accusing me of trying to start an argument and calling me oversensitive:

And now, I'm sure you'll reply with yet another douchey post riddled with lies and insults as you have been since the beginning.
Hope you're proud of yourself. :wave

Heh. Cute. Omit your posts as if I was replying to thin air. Each of those posts were replies to you complaining about how unfair it was that I called her a whore in my reply to someone else (or perhaps that Nam called her a whore elsewhere, though I wasn't aware at the time that anyone else had called her a whore). Like I said, I didn't start the argument. You objected to something I said (or Nam said).

Anyway ... you're wrong, and I stand by every one of those statements. You're especially sensitive about the word "whore", and were clearly looking to pick a fight about it -- no doubt wanting to make some groundbreaking point about how unfair it is that women are called whores for being excessively sexually available (even in an apocalypse).

You're still the only one namecalling here.

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Heh. Cute. Omit your posts as if I was replying to thin air. Each of those posts were replies to you complaining about how unfair it was that I called her a whore in my reply to someone else (or perhaps that Nam called her a whore elsewhere, though I wasn't aware at the time that anyone else had called her a whore). Like I said, I didn't start the argument. You objected to something I said (or Nam said).

Anyway ... you're wrong, and I stand by every one of those statements. You're especially sensitive about the word "whore", and were clearly looking to pick a fight about it -- no doubt wanting to make some groundbreaking point about how unfair it is that women are called whores for being excessively sexually available (even in an apocalypse).

You're still the only one namecalling here.


It is unfair. :dunno :pfft:
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I think men are whores too if they sleep around. :dunno

I hate Andrea.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Because of what I think of a fictional character. Completely rational.

OMG SnakeDoc, your response reminded me of this...

Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I like Merle too because of the same reasons, he is funny in a redneck kinda way and kinda dumb and he smiles a lot more than Daryl for example.
Daryl has never made me laugh but Merle just being on screen makes me chuckle :lol
I like his voice too even when he speaks he is funny
is weird but for being the most unlikable character on the show I rather see him than Andrea or the Governor's scientist guy for example.


I've liked Merle this season too. The first season, I couldn't wait for them to kill him. But he's definatley changed a lot since then IMO. Less racist pig, more entertaining evil redneck now. I thought for sure we'd get at least 1 racist line with Michonne there, but we didn't. Guess he's realized its just the living the the walkers/biters now and that race isn't that important to him anymore. :dunno
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Heh. Cute. Omit your posts as if I was replying to thin air. Each of those posts were replies to you complaining about how unfair it was that I called her a whore in my reply to someone else (or perhaps that Nam called her a whore elsewhere, though I wasn't aware at the time that anyone else had called her a whore). Like I said, I didn't start the argument. You objected to something I said (or Nam said).

Anyway ... you're wrong, and I stand by every one of those statements. You're especially sensitive about the word "whore", and were clearly looking to pick a fight about it -- no doubt wanting to make some groundbreaking point about how unfair it is that women are called whores for being excessively sexually available (even in an apocalypse).

You're still the only one namecalling here.

Not sure what else I can say. You're blatantly lying and I've already showed the posts to prove it. I wasn't trying to start an argument with anyone. You decided to have an unreasonably rude attitude with me. You started it, not me.

But no, I'm not wrong. Sleeping with two different men, or women, within a year and a half-long span does not qualify someone as being a whore. The fact that you think she's being "exessively sexually available" shows that you must have incredibly high standards or just a very old, ignorant mindset. If she was sleeping with a new guy every month, then sure. You could call her a whore. But as of now, she's having far less sex than most people. It seems like people just want to hate her. I guarantee you if she was raped in the series, she'd be labeled a whore for that too.

It's not the word "whore" that is aggravating me. It's your immature attitude and inability to have a civil discussion.

You can keep telling yourself that it's everyone else's fault, but it's not. You are the one causing problems. You are the one dragging things out. And now you are going on ignore.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

When I was younger I was turned off by whores. Now that I am older, and wiser, I know that whores are awesome. Good girls are for little boys.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

This is like being in two threads at once.

Get a room already you guys.