The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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My Prediction is that every single one of you talking about how bad you think the show is now, will still be watching Season 4 come October. Some people just dont know how to do anything but complain.

This Season (IMO) was great, sure, the finale was not the best episode by a long shot, but it is still better than most of everyting else on TV. They shouldnt have to up the ante every other episode, they have a story to tell and I trust they are doing what they need to in order to lay the groundwork for the next Season.

How do some of you enjoy anything when you pick apart minutiae like the sound of a shell casing dropping when there shouldnt have been one?

I'm not saying to turn off your brain, but seriously, sit back and enjoy the show and try not to be so ****. (last word should be something that sounds like AYNUL)
My Prediction is that every single one of you talking about how bad you think the show is now, will still be watching Season 4 come October. Some people just dont know how to do anything but complain.

This Season (IMO) was great, sure, the finale was not the best episode by a long shot, but it is still better than most of everyting else on TV. They shouldnt have to up the ante every other episode, they have a story to tell and I trust they are doing what they need to in order to lay the groundwork for the next Season.

How do some of you enjoy anything when you pick apart minutiae like the sound of a shell casing dropping when there shouldnt have been one?

I'm not saying to turn off your brain, but seriously, sit back and enjoy the show and try not to be so ****.

.... I don't know...
Maybe if the people running this show Didn't spend 15 episodes hyping a battle that never came, Maybe the season finale wouldn't be such an enormous disappointment.

Seriously, after the break, the second half season was all about the anticipation of a final fight. the kept teasing you about it,

the meeting between Governor and Rick,
the meeting with Morgan and then getting his weapons (for nothing)
Merle's death, Andrea's capture, etc.

Is like they hyped this conflict between them to no end. The writers did that. Not the fans. (Plus you could even count the comic actually had a big battle at the end)

Yes season 3 was good for the most part and the first half of the season was actually really decent, but they totally screwed it up with that finale.

Also, if it was a couple of people that were disappointed then yeah, whatever. But a lot of people feel the finale was very disappointing, because it was.
That means they either have to kill him off (season 2 opener seemed like they were going to to me originally) or increase the timeline further each season (like the winter between 2 and 3).

That is one possibility. I just wondered if they gave it any thought. Like when they start shooting Season 4 what happens if he shows up 4 inches taller? Wonder about the girl who plays Beth also, but apparently she is 28 years old so increase in height isn't an issue there.
My Prediction is that every single one of you talking about how bad you think the show is now, will still be watching Season 4 come October. Some people just dont know how to do anything but complain.

This Season (IMO) was great, sure, the finale was not the best episode by a long shot, but it is still better than most of everyting else on TV. They shouldnt have to up the ante every other episode, they have a story to tell and I trust they are doing what they need to in order to lay the groundwork for the next Season.

How do some of you enjoy anything when you pick apart minutiae like the sound of a shell casing dropping when there shouldnt have been one?

I'm not saying to turn off your brain, but seriously, sit back and enjoy the show and try not to be so ****. (last word should be something that sounds like AYNUL)

Exactly and all the people crying about it being the worst finale ever must have forgotten about Dallas and the dream season, or the way they *****ed about the end of The Sopranos.

I think its just that so many people boarded the hype train sunday night (12 million viewers is way up from their normal ratings) and tuned in for the first time just expecting to see a bloodbath. That's still coming and I like that they changed it up and didn't have the same formula for finales of the place burns down and they leave. S.1 They fight Jenner to get away before the building burns. S.2 They fight Shane then get away before the farm burns. everyone was expecting : S.3 they fight the Governor and the prison burns but it didn't happen.

The fact that everyone is complaining about that particular fact tells me they did a fantastic job writing it that way because no one saw it coming. And I'm not all praise, I was in here before most saying their had been a quality drop since S.1, but S.1 was also only 6 episodes. Pack s.3 into 6 episodes and it would have been a hell of alot more action packed. And of course Andrea's death was just awful and poorly written, no excuses, but there isn't a "they lose popularity and die formula". That's not why Dale, T-Dawg, Shane, or Merle died.

Is like they hyped this conflict between them to no end. The writers did that. Not the fans. (Plus you could even count the comic actually had a big battle at the end)

Yep and its the end too, the end of the Walking Dead. David Morrisey moved on and won't be back to play the Governor in Season 4. Michonne and Tyrese definately won't get togeather like in the comics now that he's part of the group, and the prison burned down in a freak pizza oven accident that also claimed half the food court and the Orange Julius.

Now the shows about carebears and sunshine rainbow gumdrops, Rick forms a family band with Carl and they tour the countryside playing hits from the 60s for zombie audiences.

Too bad they built up all those characters for nothing.
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My Prediction is that every single one of you talking about how bad you think the show is now, will still be watching Season 4 come October. Some people just dont know how to do anything but complain.

This Season (IMO) was great, sure, the finale was not the best episode by a long shot, but it is still better than most of everyting else on TV. They shouldnt have to up the ante every other episode, they have a story to tell and I trust they are doing what they need to in order to lay the groundwork for the next Season.

How do some of you enjoy anything when you pick apart minutiae like the sound of a shell casing dropping when there shouldnt have been one?

I'm not saying to turn off your brain, but seriously, sit back and enjoy the show and try not to be so ****. (last word should be something that sounds like AYNUL)

Those people exist, sadly... But for the most part, my problems with this show have nothing to do with that.

So what if they ****ed up the foley. So what if the girl who was bitten starts to limp. So what if the zombie who killed Dale couldn't hold on to a kid....

My problems lie with the characters, their actions, and the way the story is presented, and the inconstancy it's had all seasons. The fact that most of the episodes revolve around dull conversations that don't really develop the characters all that much, and plots that almost always go no where, the terrible writing of certain characters, to a point where fans DEMAND her to be off the show...and then they listen, and do that, is incredibly frustrating.

It could get better. Or it could get worse. Only time will tell. Reading Kirkman's interviews suggest he might know the show lacks in a few key ways.

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe he finally put his foot down to stop the bull****. Maybe Glenn Mazawhatever was really the villain here.

The answers will come next October. But if there is another season like this? I don't know how well the show will hold up. It has to get better. It has to. This season finale was a huge let down. But it's not the end of the show. They have to rethink what their game plan is. Make a story that's worth telling over 16 full episodes with little to no filter stuff. And if you're going to be filter, be good filter, like Clear. But put that in the early episodes, not during the final stretch.

If everyone is smart, this show can only get better. If they're all fighting again, well....
Exactly and all the people crying about it being the worst finale ever must have forgotten about Dallas and the dream season, or the way they *****ed about the end of The Sopranos.

I think its just that so many people boarded the hype train sunday night (12 million viewers is way up from their normal ratings) and tuned in for the first time just expecting to see a bloodbath. That's still coming and I like that they changed it up and didn't have the same formula for finales of the place burns down and they leave. S.1 They fight Jenner to get away before the building burns. S.2 They fight Shane then get away before the farm burns. everyone was expecting : S.3 they fight the Governor and the prison burns but it didn't happen.

The fact that everyone is complaining about that particular fact tells me they did a fantastic job writing it that way because no one saw it coming. And I'm not all praise, I was in here before most saying their had been a quality drop since S.1, but S.1 was also only 6 episodes. Pack s.3 into 6 episodes and it would have been a hell of alot more action packed. And of course Andrea's death was just awful and poorly written, no excuses, but there isn't a "they lose popularity and die formula". That's not why Dale, T-Dawg, Shane, or Merle died.

Yep and its the end too, the end of the Walking Dead. David Morrisey moved on and won't be back to play the Governor in Season 4. Michonne and Tyrese definately won't get togeather like in the comics now that he's part of the group, and the prison burned down in a freak pizza oven accident that also claimed half the food court and the Orange Julius.

Now the shows about carebears and sunshine rainbow gumdrops, Rick forms a family band with Carl and they tour the countryside playing hits from the 60s for zombie audiences.

Too bad they built up all those characters for nothing.

that was funny :lol

I personally was not even expecting a complete bloodbath. I was actually relieved that no one from Rick's group died. I was afraid Carol or Beth would go, (or Glenn or Maggie because of his marriage proposal)

But their conflict was over too quickly. The way Rick was talking to Morgan about coming with him to the prison I thought they were getting ready to actually kill everyone from the Governor's group.

Why even ask Morgan to join him if they were not going to actually try to kill the Governor but just scare him away? That was just weird.

Did they forget that this guy broke their fence with a truck full of walkers? did they forget he killed Merle? I mean, even what he did to Maggie, why didn't they just try to kill him?

Instead all they do is shoot to scare them away. :cuckoo:
The Governor was cocky and a pyschopath.

As far as he'd knew he'd got Merle, Milton and Andrea were as good as dead, everyone in Woodburry thought he was Mr. Fabulous, and Rick was an unprepared nutjob wandering around in fields that didn't trust Michonne and made her live in the yard like a dog while the asian kid he beat the **** out of and Long John Silver nursed a bastard child.

He rushed in with a bunch of unprepared, untrained civilians who abandoned him. He never had an army, he had at best the national guard, or probably more accurately the cubscouts. And again compare the group he mows down, with the group outside the prison, the Governor lost more men than Jody, 5-6 people are missing by my count, Ray Charles, a trucker cap redneck, some guy with a ten gallon. They likely died in crossfire or staying behind to fight the walkers in the tombs.

He will undoubtibly come back and not be such an idiot this time. He can spend a few weeks finding groups of men and rallying them by giving them weapons and supplies and making Rick out to be a bad guy. He's not going to rush in, he's probably going to find seige weapons like tanks and bring down the whole prison.

And in the meantime we may get

The Michonne/Tyrese story we we're expecting, Governor losing more limbs, Morgan's return etc. all the stuff that played out in the prison in the comic that hasn't yet.
Instead all they do is shoot to scare them away. :cuckoo:


They knew they couldn't win in a head on battle. They were outnumbered and outgunned. Their best chance was breaking the morale of the Governor's forces by intimidating them. That's why Glenn and Maggie were the only one's shooting, and were doing so from hidden positions that made it impossible for the people running scared for their lives after being trapped in a dark maze full of walkers, to tell how many guns were on them or whether they had a chance to win if they fought back.
It's not so much that scene is bad. It's just...that's what the whole season led up to....or that's what they wanted you to think it led up too.

When it actually just led up to Andrea dying. Maybe for a character that was well liked, and well written it would've been a powerful scene....but there was no way they could've gotten any real sympathy from her demise.

Unless she went out willingly. She committed a heroic suicide. Or something, where in her last moments of life, she becomes a hero, and does something that saves the lives of the people she cares about.

But no. They still made her as stupid, and unlikable as ever, and forced us to care. Merle's death was far more emotional, and he was a character you were SUPPOSED to hate.
I'm welcoming the break myself. After the season + B&W episodes thursdays and than the marathon last week I'm deaded out.

Game of Thrones has just restarted, Arrested Development returns in May, Breaking Bads back in June, Newsroom in August, and Walking Dead is back in October. Plus TMNT has had me waking up saturday mornings to watch cartoons for the first time in like 15 years. Great time for television, one of the best lineups probably since HBO had Sopranos, Deadwood, Curb, and The Wire going at the same time.
I can't wait for The Newsroom to return. One of the best television shows i've seen in a while. I was hooked from episode one.
It's not so much that scene is bad. It's just...that's what the whole season led up to....or that's what they wanted you to think it led up too.

If you followed the hype, I guess.

What the season led up to was Rick coming to terms with his ability to lead, the fall of a community led by a successful Shane, the redemption of Merle Dixon, and the tragic end of a woman who tried against her better judgment to find good in a world gone to hell, only to learn that she was right in the first place.

There was no resolution to the threat that the Governor presents. So?
I was satisfied with the finale. I figured there wouldn't be a big battle. In one of the previous episodes it was mentioned that they didn't have to kill the governors forces, but make the prison more work than it should be. Which is what I felt they did. They made a zombie maze, and shot at the militia scaring them ****less
He will undoubtibly come back and not be such an idiot this time. He can spend a few weeks finding groups of men and rallying them by giving them weapons and supplies and making Rick out to be a bad guy. He's not going to rush in, he's probably going to find seige weapons like tanks and bring down the whole prison.


I'm interested to see where they go with this. At least it sounds like it's not even more build up with him planning to attack the prison again. But I don't see him giving up wanting revenge.
Exactly and all the people crying about it being the worst finale ever must have forgotten about Dallas and the dream season, or the way they *****ed about the end of The Sopranos.

I think its just that so many people boarded the hype train sunday night (12 million viewers is way up from their normal ratings) and tuned in for the first time just expecting to see a bloodbath. That's still coming and I like that they changed it up and didn't have the same formula for finales of the place burns down and they leave. S.1 They fight Jenner to get away before the building burns. S.2 They fight Shane then get away before the farm burns. everyone was expecting : S.3 they fight the Governor and the prison burns but it didn't happen.

The fact that everyone is complaining about that particular fact tells me they did a fantastic job writing it that way because no one saw it coming. And I'm not all praise, I was in here before most saying their had been a quality drop since S.1, but S.1 was also only 6 episodes. Pack s.3 into 6 episodes and it would have been a hell of alot more action packed. And of course Andrea's death was just awful and poorly written, no excuses, but there isn't a "they lose popularity and die formula". That's not why Dale, T-Dawg, Shane, or Merle died.

Its not the worst finale ever but it wasn't anything special as far as I'm concerned. It does feel like they built all of this up so they could kill andrea off with the slight of hand that we would see the Govenor vs Rick at the end. I guess that's good writing but what they pulled from behind the curtain wasn't all that exciting IMO. The last two episodes needed to be flipped IMO have the last episode be with the death of Merle. You could have ended that episode with the Govenor getting ready to attack and then within the first bit of S4 had the battle with the rest of the season being what do they do now (or something similar). Obviously some rewriting would be needed as the events don't totally work but I do feel that the Merle episode works much better as a season finale.

I'll be back in October. I've been here since they first showed things at Comic-Con a few years ago, and unless things get pretty lame I'll be around to the end.
I'm interested to see where they go with this. At least it sounds like it's not even more build up with him planning to attack the prison again. But I don't see him giving up wanting revenge.

Its going to be interesting. I don't need another season of these two having a pissing match with each other. Either **** or get off the pot IMO.