The Wolverine

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Just ended. Liked it, but nothing awesome. What happened to the bight fight scene with the ninjas that was in the previews? What is this, IM3? ;)

Was cut, will be in the extended unrated cut

I'm still trying to figure out what that Kryptonite arrow was all about.

Vipers poison, reduces his healing factor so he became overwelmed from all the arrows and passed out
Just got back from watching this, pretty good movie overall.

Already forgetting the bland co-stars of the movie though, Jackman carries this movie.
The poison arrow on Wolverine doesn't bother me.

His adamantium is below his circulatory system, his blood can still absorb poison.

The question is, wouldn't his super healing reverse any sleeping agent.
Yes it's supposed to, even in another movie this was observed, can't remember which movie it was exactly, most likely xmen.
No Khev, it's not's got issues, but it's actually quite good.

On a side note... what is it this summer with all of these movies that have no title card at the beginning? IM3, MOS and now this one...

Even Nolan's Bat-flicks had an artistic rendering of the bat symbol at the start of the film... these guys (IM3, MOS, TW) ...nothing...
Thought it was a very good movie myself; middle parts were a little slow going at times, but damn, when went into high gear it kicked ***

I wish they had done it R rated version - would have been a lot grittier
GREAT movie! One of the better superhero movies and more so a character study and interaction movie than it was an action flick.

Jackman was fantastic as Wolverine once again. The back-up cast was tremendous as well and they did a great job overall with this movie. Casting Sanada as Shingen was a great choice and I HOPE we see more of him in a future Wolverine solo movie. It's hard to believe this was also the first movies for Tao Okamoto (Mariko) and ESPECIALLY Rila ***ushima (Yukio). ***ushima was fun as Yukio.

The twist ending was well done as well. I sort of caught on towards the end but damn, they did a great job picking up that Wolverine COULD die and they did that one major thing to him towards the end that I was NOT expecting.

After-credits scene was amazing. Fox is gearing X-Men: Day of Future Past to be THEIR Avengers.

Spell check: Really? S-P-U-N-K-Y and F-U-K are censored?
I call them brave. They set the movie almost entirely in a foreign country. and there's only one known name in Hugh the rest is all unknowns

Setting a movie in Japan is not brave.

Lost in Translation beat The Wolverine to it as have many other movies.

What makes a studio brave is when they respect the audience by understanding when they have a great product and not destroying it due to a lack of confidence.

Like panicking at the last minute and writing in a character or scene that doen't belong or ruins what came before.

Thats brave filmaking, not pandering to the panicking shareholders.
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This is the first marvel/DC superhero movie set in an international locale with an all but one foreign cast.

That to me is unique.

The last scene, sure it pandered to ADD people, but the rest of the film took risks
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You're looking at it in a very specific light that no one else will. It's great if you appreciate it for that. Nothing wrong with that. To the rest of the world, this is an action movie set in japan. That's not new or risky. That's been done countless times before.