The Wolverine

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Brave is the wrong word

Different, unique or perhaps risky would be more appropriate as out of 29 Marvel movies this is the only one set in an international locale and the only one with an all but one foreign cast
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Setting a movie in Japan is not brave.

Lost in Translation beat The Wolverine to it as have many other movies.

What makes a studio brave is when they respect the audience by understanding when they have a great product and not destroying it due to a lack of confidence.

Like panicking at the last minute and writing in a character or scene that doen't belong or ruins what came before.

Thats brave filmaking, not pandering to the panicking shareholders.


Theres a reason they made film 5 years later with a reduced budget from what origins cost.

I can guarantee you the advertising budget was likewise dimished.

Cmmon sense to most, but you can't point out the obvious to a delusional fanboi, all they think is "oh noes they're saying something I don't like/understnd about my precious movie", but you are right, they made a really good movie, but refused to make it great.

Doesn't change the fact that this is still the definitive Wolverine movie as promised and pretty eaily Jackman's best performance to date in the character. And pretty much EVERYTHING looks much better on screen than it looked in the previews.
Brave is the wrong word

Different, unique or perhaps risky would be more appropriate as out of 29 Marvel movies this is the only one set in an international locale and the only one with an all but one foreign cast

Unique too that specific set of 29 films yes, but I just don't see any risk in there. There's nothing Risky about the Wolverine, it's a very simple, well done, solid film that doesn't do too may things against the grain. Nothing wrong with that.
Casting two first time actors in the two key supporting roles is somewhat risky.

No, putting up the cash after Origins for name actors would have been risky, take off your beer goggles. :lol

Plus its an overall summaton of the movie, not just these little bits and pieces you try to kibble onto because you think people are attacking "your" movie. :slap
It's not "my" movie, and i don't see anyone attacking just discussing

Everyone seems to be discussing howgood it was, but the moment words don't reach the plateau you like, you split hairs. Would love to have had Marvel studis produce this so we could get a real reaction of the film from you. :lol
I'm stating an opinion about the production, thats all, you're the only one trying to make it into a big deal :slap.

I'm not a blind fanboi like you believe, check my review if you like

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Casting two first time actors in the two key supporting roles is risky.

IMHO <--------

You don't need to put IMHO i know that. Trust me this disagreement I'm having with you has no hard feeling behind it at all :lol

As for the new actors thing. I disagree again :lol

New actors and stage actors are hired all the time for movies. It happens in almost every movie. In small parts and lead roles. ALIEN and Halloween come to mind right off the bat.
I call them brave.

Brave is the wrong word

I'm not splitting hairs, i'm stating an opinion about the production, thats all, you're the only one trying to make it into a big deal :slap.

I'm not a blind fanboi like you believe, here is my review...

You're arguing semantics, the very core of splitting hairs.

And you've got thousands of posts showing you're a fanboi, especially when it comes to various Marvel films. Its not like I'm the only one whos noticed or commented about it. :lecture

Its ok, everyone here has a bit of fanboi to certain levels, just not everyone is as extreme.
Semantics is my forte :lol

I'm a fan more than fanboy, there is a difference :wink1:

If i was a fanboy i'd be calling this better than every other movie out there, seeing no faults and so forth.
Semantics is my forte :lol

I'm a fan more than fanboy, there is a difference :wink1:

If i was a fanboy i'd be calling this better than every other movie out there, seeing no faults and so forth.

I gues I'll have to take your word on it, you know yourself beter than anyone, at least you until your next name change to Uncanny webbed bone claws :lol
Possibly the best after credits scene ever, IMO.


I think it was more than just a link, it almost seemed like they were beginning the next movie...
At first I though it was just a setup to foreshadow Trask's programs wit that TV ad... was totally blown away by Magneto and Charles showing up.