The Wolverine

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How do you know that? Last time I checked, you didn't represent every non-comic fan out there, and just because you don't like it, that doesn't mean it wouldn't work; maybe you just have poor Bays...err, taste.:lol
Comic book fans don't want the dumb suit either, but that all passed after X3.

By outnumber you mean: people who know nothing about the character > people who do, you're dead on.
We non comic fans don't give a **** about anything other then if it was a good movie or not. No one wants that mask. It sucks.
It doesn't suck, and, once again, you're assuming that every "non-comic" fan is just like you. Just because they might not want it, that doesn't mean they won't like it; they might just not be familiar with it.
Non comic fans don't care. Mask or no mask, it means nothing to them.

And they gave Wolverine all it's
Actually, most non-comic book fans still recognise and like the classic wolverine over the half true Jackman version.

But at least you're getting "good" movies without the suit. :lol
Spider-Man's movie was about the costume, Batman was about the costume, Cap was about the costume, but Wolverine was not, and never will be.
Batman was all about the costume, the other 2 weren't, they were merely justified, Wolvie's costume is justifiable, even so, justification or not, it would work, like it or not.
Mask and colour wouldn't have worked, too bright and goofy.

They could've done some kind of samurai armor though.

Thing is aside from fanservice why would he logically use the mask?

Only when in X-FORCE and out there killing high-profile people would he really need to protect his identity and it's not like he needs it to protect his skull.

Spider-Man's movie was about the costume, Batman was about the costume, Cap was about the costume, but Wolverine was not, and never will be.

Agreed. Wolverine can work without the costume, those others can't. Wolverine is who he is rather than what he's wearing unlike Spider-Man, Batman, Iron Man who without the cosumtes aren't identifiable as those heroes.
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Part of the fun of watching superhero movies are the suits. I don't hold any of the Wolverine movies in high regard but I definitely want to see him have on some sort of costume. I think it's stupid he's always in regular civilian clothes.
He has had "some sort of costume", His X-Men suit.

One thing i love about the above costume though are the gloves, namely the little metal bits between the fingers for the claws.
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He has had some sort of costume.

Yup, t-shirt, jeans and leather jacket. :rotfl

As much as I want to agree with Verbal on this one, I agree with Nova's explanation.

I think DOFP might have him in it though, maybe to protect him from the time travel, who knows why, but they'll find a plot reason.
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I think DOFP might have him in it though, maybe to protect him from the time travel, who knows why, but they'll find a plot reason.


The character has to have a reason to wear a costume and a reason the costume looks the way it does, doing it 'because it's like that in the comic' isn't enough.

He needs to be in a situation where wearing the costume makes sense, Going into Yashida's mountain base was the only one i can think of in this movie where wearing the costume would've fit, you'd have had set up the introduction of the costume first though.

As cool as the classic costume is on the page, bringing it to the screen raises too many questions...

Why does the mask have the "fins" on the side, what do they add?
Why would he wear the mask when he doesn't need to protect his skull?
Why would the colour of the costume be so bright? What reason?

If they could answer all them reasonably (like Batman Begins, Captain America and Amazing Spider-Man did) and the costume didn't look like cosplay (Avengers Cap) then bring it on.
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It's quite simple; the fins are there to keep those amazingly coifed wings of his from turning into helmet hair.:lecture :lol