The Wolverine

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Re: Wolverine 2

I really would love this film to be awesome. :)

Not related - but I remember back in school, owning an issue of Wolverine with him & Mr Fixit on the cover - both wearing suits. Imagine Ruffalo's HULK & Jackman's Logan teaming up on film. :lol

Re: Wolverine 2

If they just avoid a fiasco on the same level that was Nu-Dedpewl in Origins, it ought to be more than halfway decent.
Re: Wolverine 2

I personally judge the film not on what came before but on what's shown so far.

And what's been shown so far is great ;)

I do the same thing for IM3, i think it'll be good based on what we've seen not bad becuase of the unfortunate result of IM2
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Re: Wolverine 2

Looks OK, can't be worse than Origins or X3 though, and those two had awesome trailers. Could be wrong, I thought "meh" to the First Class trailer and IMO it's now the best X-film to date.
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Re: Wolverine 2

Well the trailer does look decent but I expected more from a freaking Wolverine movie, I like Jackman for showing he cares about the character and putting his own money, that shows love, but he should not have creative control over the character, but he does.

I feel Jackman has never delivered a true wolverine (Maybe in the 1st X-men) you know what I mean? Wolverine feels out of character through out most of the X-men movie franchise, for me at least.

Anyway, It's worth a ticket for the love I have for Wolvie and also to see if this can exceed my unfortunately high expectations.

I get those who are not impressed by it, but Wolverine is one of my favorites from Marvel, if not the favorite so that blinds anyone.
Re: Wolverine 2

Out of curiosity, how can some of you buy a figure of a movie you don't like, as suggested by some of you that will not see the movie cause it looks bad, but still buy the figure?

It's AVP all over again, movies suck, predators suck (Except Wolf), but figures get bought.
Re: Wolverine 2

Trailer was really underwhelming, but I'll sure as hell be there opening night.