The Wolverine

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Re: Wolverine 2

If it's a good film i'll support it. Based on what we've seen it'll be good so i'm looking forward to it.

Plenty though are dissmissive because of Origins.

The only link between this and Origins is Jackman as Logan. The cast, characters, setting, story, writers and Director are all different. :dunno
Re: Wolverine 2

Clearly, Jackman has lost some cache over the years. Maybe people are just tired of Wolvie too? He's got to hold the record for cinematic appearances as a superhero; 6 overall, going on 7 with DOFP. I'm sort of surprised folks are playing hard to get with this one.
Re: Wolverine 2

It feels like there is also a dismissive attitude toward Marvel movies that aren't from Marvel Studios. I don't get it, granted Fox, Sony & New Line have had duds but they've also had greats and built the genre :huh
Re: Wolverine 2

Actually I've never thought of Hugh as the definitive Wolverine. I like him in the role and I think he's done a great job but let's face it Wolverine supposed to be a short, stubby, and homely guy, not exactly Jackman.

Yeah, I'm sure that would translate to a movie real well.:lol
Re: Wolverine 2

Can someone please explain to me how all of the Xmen movies connect with each other. Like is the wolverine gonna have any connections with DOFP and FC? Are all of those still connected with the first trilogy? There is just so much going on, I don't know wtf is happening.
Re: Wolverine 2

Tired of Wolvie? NEVAH!

I won't take the bait to post that gif :lol

Blade 1 is still one of my favorite superhero movies.

and Blade 2 for me too.

Trinity kinda went off in the wrong direction abit, most third films do that. Superman 3, Spider-Man 3, Batman Forever, The Dark Knight Rises, X-Men 3.

I don't care who makes it

:exactly: :hi5:

Can someone please explain to me how all of the Xmen movies connect with each other. Like is the wolverine gonna have any connections with DOFP and FC? Are all of those still connected with the first trilogy? There is just so much going on, I don't know wtf is happening.

Don't worry about it.

The Wolverine looks to be quite standalone, it takes place sometime after X3, the only connection looks to be a flashback of him and Jean from a time between X1 & X3

But basically it goes Origins, First Class, X-Men, X-Men 2, X-Men 3, The Wolverine, Days of Future Past.

There are some inconsistencies the biggest being Prof X being bald and parylised at the end of Origins, the rest are little stuff.

Yeah, I'm sure that would translate to a movie real well.:lol

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Re: Wolverine 2

Can someone please explain to me how all of the Xmen movies connect with each other. Like is the wolverine gonna have any connections with DOFP and FC? Are all of those still connected with the first trilogy? There is just so much going on, I don't know wtf is happening.

Yep. They are all still connected. This one takes place after X3.
Re: Wolverine 2

Tired of Jackman and Wolvie........:rotfl

The Xmen universe need explored more thoroughly tons of awesome characters wolvie being the coolest. More Logan more XMen....:rotfl
Re: Wolverine 2

It's because of his Wolverine that makes even garbage like Origins at least watchable.

HJ as Wolverine is not the problem.

As bad as X3 is, I still got goose bumps when he pushed thru the climb to kill Jean.
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Re: Wolverine 2

Tired of Jackman and Wolvie........:rotfl

The Xmen universe need explored more thoroughly tons of awesome characters wolvie being the coolest. More Logan more XMen....:rotfl

As ridiculous as that sounds, people are awfully quick to write this one off. I don't get it either. :dunno Jackman is always great as Wolvie even when the rest of the movie is crashing down around him.
Re: Wolverine 2

As ridiculous as that sounds, people are awfully quick to write this one off. I don't get it either. :dunno Jackman is always great as Wolvie even when the rest of the movie is crashing down around him.

I think the "Freak formerly known as Nova" hit the nail on the head. People will love to hate the movie whether good or bad.....
Re: Wolverine 2

..and Blade 2 for me too.

Trinity kinda went off in the wrong direction abit, most third films do that. Superman 3, Spider-Man 3, Batman Forever, The Dark Knight Rises, X-Men 3.l
Agreed.. TFFKAN. :lol

Blade 2 is a great film. :rock

Blade3? Yeah, I didn't like that one, mainly because of Reynolds though.. :lol
Re: Wolverine 2

I think the "Freak formerly known as Nova" hit the nail on the head. People will love to hate the movie whether good or bad.....

This attitude is false, and just plain ol silly. It's like the last ditch effort to "fight" against people who disagree.

Wolverine is a BAD movie. Now, if you like that bad movie, that's fine with me. If you had fun with it, more power to ya. But there is a clear reason why people really hate that film. It lacks a good script, it has really terrible characters, the actual main scene in the film is the least interesting in the entire movie, and not to mention the butchering of a fan favorite character in the most insulting way possible.

Add on the horrendously fake looking soundstage sets, the some mediocre action, and the even lackluster score....the film is just a dull boring mess.

Now you might still enjoy it, despite that. Believe me, I love ****ty movies too. But I can at admit when a film really IS terrible. Once again, and I've said it a bajillion ****ing times, yes, Transformers is terrible. But I like it despite it.

Saying people hate it to hate it doesn't fly because no one does that. If a movie is good, then it's good. Expectations be damned. If all those ****ty movies you mentioned were ACTUALLY good, people would ACTUALLY like them. But they aren't. They're all fairly terrible. If this movie is good, people will make note of it. I promise.

But if it is bad, do not blame it on the fans. Because that's not the case. If they really love something, they don't want it to fail. You think I want Evil Dead to fail? I really want it to be good. I hope it will. I hate the idea of a remake...but if it can blow me away, then that's just dandy.