The Wolverine

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Re: Wolverine 2

Out of curiosity, how can some of you buy a figure of a movie you don't like, as suggested by some of you that will not see the movie cause it looks bad, but still buy the figure?

It's AVP all over again, movies suck, predators suck (Except Wolf), but figures get bought.

People like the characters.

Ghost Rider sucked. The HT figure is awesome.
Re: Wolverine 2

FairPlay to Hugh Jackman as a man in his mid 40's. He has pushed the boat out physically and looks massive in that trailer.
It's coming across as much more of a smaller tighter movie than previous attempts. Obviously trailers don't reveal the true extent of a film but I'm quietly confident that this could be a decent film
Re: Wolverine 2

Just watched both trailers. So when did Wolverine become the Highlander? Oh well I'm sure they'll get my $12 when it comes out.
Re: Wolverine 2

People like the characters.

Ghost Rider sucked. The HT figure is awesome.
Yeah, that's it. :lecture

I still don't own a nice high end Wolverine, so hopefully there's a great look in this film that HT can take advantage of. :cool:

I'm giving this installment the benefit of the doubt, & catching it in the cinema this time I think. :)
Re: Wolverine 2

Looks ok, hopefully were surprised. At least we'll get a nice HT Wolverine figure out of it.

I'm starting to think Wolverine would be better paired in the Avengers or something, stand alone movies are not going to work for this guy. (hope i'm wrong)

Hugh IS Wolverine though!
Re: Wolverine 2

Actually I've never thought of Hugh as the definitive Wolverine. I like him in the role and I think he's done a great job but let's face it Wolverine supposed to be a short, stubby, and homely guy, not exactly Jackman.
Re: Wolverine 2

Trailer showed next to nothing. Can't make anything from it. Hugh is definitely lean. Wish he'd put on some mass though. He looks about 170lbs soaking wet.
Re: Wolverine 2

Looks ok, hopefully were surprised. At least we'll get a nice HT Wolverine figure out of it.

I'm starting to think Wolverine would be better paired in the Avengers or something, stand alone movies are not going to work for this guy. (hope i'm wrong)

Hugh IS Wolverine though!


You might be on to something. :lecture
Re: Wolverine 2

Movie looks pretty kewl. Even if everyone else hates it, I'm sure i'll enjoy the hell out of it, just like XMO, The Last Stand, Ghost Rider 1, Star Wars PT, Spiderman 3, Fantastic 4, you get my point.:monkey1
Re: Wolverine 2

Things I like:

- Wolverine VS Ninjas!
- Silver Samurai looks massive
- It looks like the scope is more focused than Wolverine Origins

Things I don't like:

- Fox couldn't have just adapted the critically and fan acclaimed Frank Miller Wolverine mini-series could they, no...they had to inject their own silly "This rich man whose life you saved in WW2 wants to repay you by making you human" bull$#!t.

- a bottle of green hair dye for Viper must not have been in Fox's budget?

Overall, I still have a very "Meh" opinion of this movie, I hope it surprises me the way First Class did, but expectations are set low.
Re: Wolverine 2

Yeah, I figured, I just wouldn't buy a figure of a movie I don't like, but that's just me.

I wouldn't either, however, it's more so for the character. These Marvel characters are iconic and whether the movie sucked or not, the character still kicks ***.
Re: Wolverine 2

They need to knock out a better trailer, wtf? Reminded me of a bad fan made trailer. Definitely looks like they've divorced themselves from Origins. I'm glad the new director is going for his own look... but yeah, they need a MUCH better trailer. :monkey2
Re: Wolverine 2


You might be on to something. :lecture

Wolverine is an X-MAN, his place in Avengers was just to boost sales cos he's popular, like Spidey.

I cant wait !

Midnight showing no question, I cannot wait!!!!!

Trailer looked dark, serious, Hugh lookes pumped. I was hype when i saw it.

I really liked the trailer, can't wait for this.

:exactly: gonna be awesome

It'll become popular to hate on it though, despite if it's good or not
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Re: Wolverine 2

Movie looks pretty kewl. Even if everyone else hates it, I'm sure i'll enjoy the hell out of it, just like XMO, The Last Stand, Ghost Rider 1, Star Wars PT, Spiderman 3, Fantastic 4, you get my point.:monkey1

Me too. I might like crappy movies, but at least they're somewhat entertaining to some point.