The Wolverine

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And i'll say it again. Since you don't make movies, what gives you the right to say what's good and what's not? I mean, if you don't do it for a living, you have no base in criticizing it. Period. Right?

What I really said before is, this is a stupid mentality. And the thing is, no matter what, films take time, and money. You go out and make a movie. Please. Go write a script, which will take you at the minimum of a few months to write, to a maximum of years...then go out and find some actors, perhaps theater people around your town.

Now you have to pay them. Every one of them. Or prove to them you know what you're doing so they work for free.

Now you have to shoot the thing. Well, you can't just shoot anywhere, you have to get permits which could take weeks. Oh, now you can't shoot at the location your seen called for, now you have to rethink it.

But you're ready to shoot. Oh ****, one of your actors got sick. Now you either have to film around that, or find someone else. Good luck with that.

After months, possibly years, depending on how big or small your crew was, and depending on your financial situation and weather or not you have're done filming! Yey! Now it's time to edit!

Which takes months, depending on how much footage you have and your speed. Some could do it in a few weeks. Then you have to test it out, and whittle away, test and whittle until you're satisfied. Hell, your entire movie could be a cluster****, which means you might have to reshoot!

So now you got to get your actors for hire to come back, and possibly wait for them to finish what they are doing at that moment, which could be a while.

Oh now, you have to find a composer to do the score, because you can't legally use any song you want, unless you have backing by the creator of the songs. I mean, you could get around this if you don't want to make ANY money off it...but I digress.

And now, after years, or maybe months, depending on the length of your film, and what kind of crew you's done.

So as you can see, it's not easy to do. And if I was making a movie (which I sort of am right now) I'd still complain about ****ty movies. Not that this film is in any way ****ty.

I can say I did all of this. :yess:

It went knowhere. :lol
Saw it tonight. Overall alot better than I expected it to be; but nothing spectacular. A pretty decent film in the end.

But there were a few nitpicks that stood out to me. Spoilers ahead.

1. When Wolverine was without his powers, why did his hands keep healing when he retracted his claws??

2. Why did the movie take the moral high-ground with that Asian chick's fiancé cheating when only one scene earlier she (without knowing of her fiancé's infidelity) slept with Wolverine?

3. Why does Wolverine keep fantasizing about a relationship with Jean Grey? Honestly it made him seem delusional due to the fact that the last night she was truly herself (before she became the Phoenix) she told him pretty directly that she didn't love him, and was committed to her relationship with Cyclops.
He still had his healing factor. It just didn't work properly. He needed medical attention to get the bullets out and to fully stitch him up.

I don't know about the middle one.

But it's because it's continuing a forced relationship. It's whatever. It is what it is.
Actually, the jean grey thing makes no sense in the movies.

Becuase he is not fixated, or in love with jean.

Comic explanation time.

He is in love with a girl from his childhood named Rose. Rose helps him get away from his home when he accidentaly kills the groundskeeper as a kid, they run away, fall in love, escape, hide etc.

All the things he did with sabertooth in xmen origins. Then, his healing factor wipes his memory of emotional scars after she dies in a fire...

But jean looks exactly like her. So in jean, he sees Rose.

But rose wasn't in the movies at all... So it makes little sense.
Just got back, I liked. Felt like a quality film. The slow pace didn't really bother me as I was pretty drawn into the characters. Some nice cinematography. Especially that moonlight battle.

Probably my favorite xmen movie after first class.

As for the Jean scenes
I wonder if it was Logan just dreaming, or if it may someday turn out it was really her talking to him. Maybe just before she died she transferred her consciousness elsewhere mucb like what Xavier did. Hmmm

One thing though...I think I liked the mid credits sequence more than the rest of the film :lol.

Can't wait for next year.
So I hear this one was another entry in the column of "good enough". Not as bad as x3, or origins, but not as good as X2. But still good. That about right?
But jean looks exactly like her. So in jean, he sees Rose.

But rose wasn't in the movies at all... So it makes little sense.

Well I guess that would make more sense, but the way the movies have played it Wolverine is seems creepily fixated on a woman that was already in love with someone else and has told him "No" several times.
Saw it tonight. Overall alot better than I expected it to be; but nothing spectacular. A pretty decent film in the end.

But there were a few nitpicks that stood out to me. Spoilers ahead.

2. Why did the movie take the moral high-ground with that Asian chick's fiancé cheating when only one scene earlier she (without knowing of her fiancé's infidelity) slept with Wolverine?

She was forced in the relationship and never loved or even wanted to be with the Tokyo Drift guy.

So I hear this one was another entry in the column of "good enough". Not as bad as x3, or origins, but not as good as X2. But still good. That about right?

No way. I think this was better than any of the X1-3 movies. Most others agree.
She was forced in the relationship and never loved or even wanted to be with the Tokyo Drift guy.

I could tell that, it just seems that Wolverine didn't have much of a leg to stand on with his issue over the guy's fidelity when she was just as guilty.
Except she never planned on being with him, especially once she got news from grampy that she was top dog now. Its not cheating on someone if only person thinks you are a couple when you really arent.
So its ok to cheat on someone just as long as you intend to break up with them eventually?
Saw it tonight, thought it was great. Better than any of the previous films for me. Silver Samurai was too big, but he was alright. Viper on the other hand was ok, I think she's hot in her green dress. :D