Things I Hate

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i hate ungrateful demanding beggars.

i just saw the house help gave this ****er a bag of bread and rejected her.
apparently he had too much bread lately and wanted something else.

you want some milk? soy milk only you say? **** off
Cops say hands are tied in arresting unruly 'desnudas' naked female panhandlers 'because most are illegal immigrants'
Published July 31, 2017

Lewd and rude “desnudas” – naked female panhandlers – are harassing tourists in New York’s Times Square, but cops reportedly can’t arrest them “because most of them are illegal immigrants.”

The desnudas -- a Spanish word meaning "naked" -- are part of a Times Square assembly of popular costumed children’s characters and mostly-naked females hitting tourists up for money in the uber-popular New York City district. A law enforcement source told*The New York Post*that past proposals to license the often obnoxious street performers went nowhere because most of them are illegal immigrants and wouldn’t register anyway. Plus, City Hall, under Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio, isn’t interested in going after illegals such as the desnudas, the source told The Post.

So with little police enforcement, squads of Minnie Mouses, Incredible Hulks and painted women continue to pester passersby.

“I told you, if you don’t have a tip, then f--- off!” one desnuda told a Post reporter.

Times Square Alliance President Tim Tomkins told The Post many of the Times Square performers continuously leave their Designated Activity Zones in an effort to earn more cash as part of what he called a “scam.”

“Suddenly, there’s three Minnies in your picture,” Tomkins said. “And a Batman, and a Spider-Man. And they all want cash. And they’re all outside the zone.”

One tourist from Alabama told The Post: “I just encountered that with Cookie Monster. I didn’t want to get a photo, and he or she or whoever it was, they were very aggressive with me.”

Then, when cops approach, Cookie, Minnie and the desnudas scamper back to the DAZ.

The NYPD insists it’s enforcing the law, with a spokesman telling The Post that “a number of arrests and hundreds of summons issued to costume characters” have been handed out during the past year.

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Cops say hands are tied in arresting unruly 'desnudas' naked female panhandlers 'because most are illegal immigrants'
Published July 31, 2017

Lewd and rude “desnudas” – naked female panhandlers – are harassing tourists in New York’s Times Square, but cops reportedly can’t arrest them “because most of them are illegal immigrants.”

The desnudas -- a Spanish word meaning "naked" -- are part of a Times Square assembly of popular costumed children’s characters and mostly-naked females hitting tourists up for money in the uber-popular New York City district. A law enforcement source told*The New York Post*that past proposals to license the often obnoxious street performers went nowhere because most of them are illegal immigrants and wouldn’t register anyway. Plus, City Hall, under Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio, isn’t interested in going after illegals such as the desnudas, the source told The Post.

So with little police enforcement, squads of Minnie Mouses, Incredible Hulks and painted women continue to pester passersby.

“I told you, if you don’t have a tip, then f--- off!” one desnuda told a Post reporter.

Times Square Alliance President Tim Tomkins told The Post many of the Times Square performers continuously leave their Designated Activity Zones in an effort to earn more cash as part of what he called a “scam.”

“Suddenly, there’s three Minnies in your picture,” Tomkins said. “And a Batman, and a Spider-Man. And they all want cash. And they’re all outside the zone.”

One tourist from Alabama told The Post: “I just encountered that with Cookie Monster. I didn’t want to get a photo, and he or she or whoever it was, they were very aggressive with me.”

Then, when cops approach, Cookie, Minnie and the desnudas scamper back to the DAZ.

The NYPD insists it’s enforcing the law, with a spokesman telling The Post that “a number of arrests and hundreds of summons issued to costume characters” have been handed out during the past year.

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I wonder where can i find pics of these desnudaz
Ha ha.....:duh:duh
Im curious what these naked panhandlers look like soecifically.

Saying they are illegal immigrants makes the picture look very different than it is.

These women are your typical looking strippers....I am not sure if the "illegal" angle in the story....

They are all obnoxious and rude.

The cops do not arrest them because they have bigger problems to worry about. Plus you cannot imagine the ruckus from a NYC crowd watching cops haul off Cookie Monster, Minnie Mouse and a few nakid chicks...


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Saying they are illegal immigrants makes the picture look very different than it is.

These women are your typical looking strippers....I am not sure if the "illegal" angle in the story....

They are all obnoxious and rude.

The cops do not arrest them because they have bigger problems to worry about. Plus you cannot imagine the ruckus from a NYC crowd watching cops haul off Cookie Monster, Minnie Mouse and a few nakid chicks...


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Yeah that was a weird spin.
Thank u for the pic brother.
Stripping has always had a huge connection with illegal immigrants and sex trafficking although it's usually from the eastern bloc.

And they should be policing this stuff because it goes with the old broken window theory; they started cleaning up Times Square 25 years ago based on it and it worked

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Stripping has always had a huge connection with illegal immigrants and sex trafficking although it's usually from the eastern bloc.

And they should be policing this stuff because it goes with the old broken window theory; they started cleaning up Times Square 25 years ago based on it and it worked

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I agree but I have 5 NYC people policemen in the family.....

This is a non issue to them, much bigger problems to deal with...

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I agree but I have 5 NYC people policemen in the family.....

This is a non issue to them, much bigger problems to deal with...

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I don't know, are they really a source you can trust? Haha

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Didn't this started with the naked cowboy and his guitar? Then there is the naked cowgirl? Guess the immigrant catch on.