Oh sorry I brought your hero up 
Should we blame Bush?

Should we blame Bush?
I just blame the cronies under him for allowing the bump fire in. Plus, his administration was all for guns during Fast & Furious.
I find it amazing the NRA is falling in line on this. My guess is they know most people were horrified by the attack and it simple political maneuvering to help President Trump get an easy win.
I just wonder if they have calculated that the majority of NRA members will not want to hear anything about regulating or banning anything to do with firearms.
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The best part is that multiple news stories have talked to gun store owners and they all say they maybe sell one bump stock per year...until this past week.
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Doing quick research- the bump stock was classified as a firearms part, or accessory. Not an actual firearm. Consequently, the regulation of the bump stock was outside the jurisdiction of the ATF.
Sen. Feinstein of CA tried to outlaw a feature akin to the bump stock in 2013 after Sandy Hook. The legislation never passed.
But to try to put this on Obama is simply asinine. Beyond asinine.
I have fired a bump. It's definitely hard to control, but as stated , when your target is a soft target of thousands.....pray and spray will kill and wound many. As it did.
The issue is the barrel heats up very quickly as even a good aluminum barrel is not made to dissipate the heat generated by rapid fire.
Which is why this crazy monkey had 10 rifles lined up and bumped with huge mags.
I have fired my AR as fast as the blowback allowed , and the port was turning red and smoking.....
This guy knew exactly what was up, and his results show that.
It's reasonable to bad bumps, but it won't change what happened or what could still happen.
You could have inflicted this damage with a semi if you knew what you were doing.
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It's hysterical to hear people blame Obama for this....
He he even attempted to regulate anything to do with firearms people would have crapped in their hats and called foul.
And I am a CC holder who has guns.....BTW
Just curious, what do you need the guns for? Not a loaded question I honestly want to know.
As for the overall violence, agreed it should be tabled all the time not just when there is a mass shooting
As for your rights and amendments, Jesus christ, times change time to change with it. We no longer live in a world that can simply allow these types of weapons to be accessible.
I know Canada is a lot smaller scale, but we never have this type of violence. People barely blow anyone up, shoot anyone, drive over anyone. Why not? Maybe because we are to busy playing hockey, or because the violence has not been engraved in our life.