Things I Hate

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I hate that I found two of these ____ers in my house in the last couple of days.

I'm sure though that you're making a hell of a lot more money than me, or you wouldn't be doing it!

I dunno. Sometimes I stop and have to remember why I got into it. I absolutely loved the sport of airsoft and with a history in graphic arts, a magazine seemed obvious. Unfortunately, the whole business aspect has made me despise the sport. :( It's also the same reason why I won't do a magazine on collectibles.
Shoot 'em. :lecture

Yes. Doesn't mean I have set sleep hours. The sun comes up and I may as well have been asleep all night. I don't go to bed until I'm ready to collapse, and that could be any time from 9am to 4pm.

I've tried staying up all night, going to work, then sleeping when I get home but it doesn't work because I have too many other responsiblities that interfere with that.

Damn sleep......what a pain in the ass.
Other responsibilities are the number one reason I get no sleep. When everyone else is working during the day, there's no one around to get things done except for the person who works nights.
Other responsibilities are the number one reason I get no sleep. When everyone else is working during the day, there's no one around to get things done except for the person who works nights.

And then, when the time comes to sleep, you're already thinking about work and getting ready. :lol
Exactly. I think it makes me a little bit crazier every day.

I used to change my day around it. Eat dinner after work (9-10am) and get plastered, crash around 2-3pm (booze helped out a LOT :lol) and then be up by 9-10pm to eat breakfast and start getting ready for work. I remember my roomates looking at me appalled when it's like 10:30am and I've already got a sixpack's worth of bottles on the table. :lol
My new secret weapon is pot smoking accompanied by heavy yardwork. The only pitfall is that I get overly ambitious, work until 4, and then crash too hard to wake up on time. :duh

It's ok though. That's what naps in the back office are for.
Night shift blows :monkey1 I took it once 7 years ago because I wanted to piss some girl at work off because she wanted it and I was more senior, plus I had my transfer date to another institution set for about a month later and I knew I'd get stuck on 2-10 shift for about 2-3 years. I couldn't sleep when I got home, and I was always tired.

But hey, with our new contract there's no more on sight seniority, it's all based off of state time, which I have 13 years now. So, I can transfer again (which I will) and go in and piss all kinds of people off :yess::lol

Soooo, there are a lot of young people in the state of PA hating that right now :lol
What are they afraid of?

Being around the inmates out of their cells. Our night shift is either old-heads hacking out a few more years until retirement, or sissy little _____es scared to death to be around them during the day. Granted, there are a few good people over there because it's the best hours for helping their spouses or what not, but those two majorities make up the shift.

I told my wife I might do my last year or two on that shift, but even highly doubt that. I still have 14 years and some change until I can retire, so I have a lot of time to stew on it.
Swing blows. I hate that shift. Used to pull 3-11. Talk about closing out your day. :lol

Right now here's how my wife's schedule usually goes;

Tue; 6-2
Wed; 8-4
Thu; 2-10
Fri; 4-12
Sat; 3-11

It's pretty much like she only has a day and a half off instead of two days. Her work schedule is one of the worst I've seen.
Not my job. Might have to get up and tell them to turn their radio down on a normal night, that's about it. But, it is pretty funny when those guys have to do extractions or something. It's like sending in the keystone cops :lol