Things I Hate

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I hate being so damn tired after work. It's Friday night and I'm too tired to do anything. :(
The workday of someone in a fulltime job. My own job is fulltime only in the sense that I'm not doing anything else and other than selling the odd figure it is my only means of getting money. However my hours are essentially part-time. And fiancee is working full time and really not getting a great deal more money than me considering what, to me, is an incomprehensibly, depressingly long work day. I would have to be getting a footballer's wage to be able to see myself through her ___king hours. Shes up in morning, goes to work, doesn't get home till the night most days and is so tired its straight to bed and the cycle repeats the next day.

I don't have holidays per se and I work bank holidays, Paddy's day etc where most people are off...but I wouldn't swap. I love too much the extra time to myself day in day out. I just don't think I could handle what shes doing where entire days and nights in succession aren't yours. I dunno, am I insane, am I a bum?
Here is the way I see it. On this forum, dealing with real issues like political, and religious ones is not tolerated by the admin. So if I am going to whine about something, it has to be something inconsequential like not liking big action figure boxes. It may get flamed, but at least I know it won't get the thread closed.

Crybabies who whine about being gainfully employed when the unemployment rate is almost 10% (here in the states). :moon

I wasn't whining about being employed. I'm quite happy to have the job that I have and the amount of free time it gives me so if thats how you took my post then I ___ked it up.
I was generalizing. The ****** goes into a good place and makes a bad thing good again. :lecture:lecture:lecture:lecture

Fair enough

I should be whining more about having insomnia so when I do have free time I am too exhausted to do anything. I was able to rest a bit after I posted until around 10pm and got a second wind and was up until 3:30am. :lol