Things I Hate

Collector Freaks Forum

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All of Jen and Ween's whining.

Here is the way I see it. On this forum, dealing with real issues like political, and religious ones is not tolerated by the admin. So if I am going to whine about something, it has to be something inconsequential like not liking big action figure boxes. It may get flamed, but at least I know it won't get the thread closed.


You can whine and _____ all you want.......just don't whine and _____ about something the newbies love because then they'll whine and _____ at cha! :)
I hate it when some moron ****** spouts some exaggerated garbage that would cause another dolt to panic.

Also hate how he gives backhanded comments to ____ he has no idea about.
I F#$%ing Hate Skiatalk. Mostly because my DEVIL-LAME-O-RAMA131 doesn't support that app.

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