Things I Hate

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Wouldn't you rather spatula? :naughty

churn some butter....
Lucas my be a lot of thing, but retarted isn't one of them. He is a genius. Gets people to buy his movies multiple times and overpay for memorabilia. Plus he pretty much does what he wants.
exactly the fans are just dumb
lucas is F#$%ing evil or maybe he's just retarded.
but the directors are responsible.

Yeah he's evil. I stop and think of all the directors he wants to see die because he gets a stick up his ass over their movies, and all I can see is total corruption of humanity.

But not retarded. Retarded would be a complete inability to construct a sentence, and after six films, I think he's got that down.

Others, not so much, but they have such stellar taste in film that it probably doesn't matter.
can you say that you love the Things I F#$%ing Hate thread..........while in the Things I F#$%ing Hate thread?

This hideous creature was by the door knob as I was walking into work today. If I hadn't looked I may have been bit. So much death in such a small package. I was actually literally playing with poison this morning as well because I didn't kill it like my co-worker suggested I do. I captured it and set it free in the grass. I felt I had to respect something so dangerous. I fear now though that it will make it's way back across the roadway and back to where I am to seek it's revenge. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


I much rather prefer this Black Widow instead:
