Things I Hate

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I'm waiting to hear back on what is probably a done deal on a new job, but she said Monday or Tuesday, and I heard nothing today.

Can't do another week at this job. I want out yesterday.

On another note, I still hate Brett Kimberlin---everything he represents, and every other litigious thug-b!#ch like him. Liars who use the law to silence their political opponents are almost as low as the judges who let them get away with it.


Did Captain America when the best superhero for the MTV awards!??! :rock

Oh and I hate bank holiday mondays. Its not a day off for me, in fact its a busy workday. To me its just an annoying delay in getting figures in the post. An insignificant complaint compared to Jen's recent bereavement, I know.
Don't want a painful death but don't want to miss it.

Funny that death was never something I feared. Maybe that's why I have a job that requires body armor and a 45. I've come close on many occasions, but it didn't happen. Kind of made me feel that it wasn't my time yet.
No, I don't want a sudden death. Not to say that I want to die painfully but I do want an opportunity to sort things out before I shuffle off. I would like to know somewhat in advance that I'm probably going to die (ideally of natural causes, not murder or a plane crash or somerthing) so theres time to say goodbyes, delete all my porn, y'know usual stuff.

Sudden death for me please

Watching my Dad die painfully from cancer over a long period of time makes me pray for a quick sudden death. Car crash, heart attack, in my sleep, whatever, bullet to the face, don't care, just not as long as it is quick.

And as for having time to say goodbye and what not. ____ that too. Though I am quite sure its not as bad as being the one who is doing the dying, but being the family and going through the death process over time its unforgivingly painful also. Wouldn't want my loved ones to go through that. I'd rather be taken away sudden and unexpected rather than wither and die in front of my family. F THAT!
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I am all for my just going to sleep one night and not waking up. Painless and peaceful. I don't want my family hurting more by dwelling on any sufering they may think I did.

Oh, yeah...and I don't want to suffer, either.

Sudden death for me please

Watching my Dad die painfully from cancer over a long period of time makes me pray for a quick sudden death. Car crash, heart attack, in my sleep, whatever, bullet to the face, don't care, just not as long as it is quick.

And as for having time to say goodbye and what not. ____ that too. Though I am quite sure its not as bad as being the one who is doing the dying, but being the family and going through the death process over time its unforgivingly painful also. Wouldn't want my loved ones to go through that. I'd rather be taken away sudden and expected rather than wither and die in front of my family. F THAT!

That's what happened to my Mom. We sat with her for a month watching her pass away. I'll never forget her tell me before she went into a coma, 'I don't want to go'. I didn't want her to go either, but I did want her to stop suffering. Figured she would soon be joining my Dad and two brothers.
Old joke, but still funny :lol

I almost got to die in my sleep, but my wife went and called 911 and got me to the hospital before I died.

Now I'll probably get cancer and suffer :mad:

What are the chances I get another opportunity to die in my sleep.