Things I Hate

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What do I hate?
Throwing up, it is awful, it is one of the most annoying feelings, sometimes I cannot understand how people will do this on purpose, after a meal, not only is it wasting money and good food, but the feeling in your throat and the smell is so horrible it makes me throw up again,

I've been pretty sick lately,my stomach is pretty F__ed up,
I get stabby pains in my belly, and on my upper sides, had to throw up and I really really hate it........

The stomach acid erodes the enamel off your teeth. Have baking soda on hand to neutralize it.
With all of the drug business that goes down there you are surprised it is dangerous? It's practically the cocaine export capital of the world.

I know that, but never thought it was more dangerous than places like the middle east or Africa, where real bloodshed is committed,
at least in Colombia from what I see and hear they still have cities and cops and a society, so I was surprised, Bogota is like a Mini Chicago,
I know that, but never thought it was more dangerous than places like the middle east or Africa, where real bloodshed is committed,
at least in Colombia from what I see and hear they still have cities and cops and a society, so I was surprised, Bogota is like a Mini Chicago,

Or jamaca.
Goddamn ignorant idiots who made that video blaspheming the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Absolutely no point to it other than to provoke a reaction.

But what I hate even more is the even MORE ignorant fools who think protesting violently is the right thing to do.

What I posted on FB today:

More than 1,300,000,000 muslims.
Less than 100,000 violently protesting.

Small minority hijacking the faith once again.
The video is blasphemous and reprehensible.
But killing innocent people is worse.

Protest by proving the Islamophobes wrong. Not by proving them right.
Goddamn ignorant idiots who made that video blaspheming the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Absolutely no point to it other than to provoke a reaction.

But what I hate even more is the even MORE ignorant fools who think protesting violently is the right thing to do.

What I posted on FB today:

I think the people who made that video knew it would cause this type of reaction, that's why they did it. :mad:
Goddamn ignorant idiots who made that video blaspheming the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Absolutely no point to it other than to provoke a reaction.

But what I hate even more is the even MORE ignorant fools who think protesting violently is the right thing to do.

What I posted on FB today:

Nothing makes me more sad or angry

There was a very beautiful segment on Today this morning with two Muslim women condemning the murders of the Ambassador and his security team on national television despite the disgusting video. Two quotes stuck, "These actions do not represent the people of Libya" and "What happened here is not the work of Islam." It was heartbreaking when the woman who spoke the latter came to tears and their courage to make those statements is nothing short of commendable.
There was a very beautiful segment on Today this morning with two Muslim women condemning the murders of the Ambassador and his security team on national television despite the disgusting video. Two quotes stuck, "These actions do not represent the people of Libya" and "What happened here is not the work of Islam." It was heartbreaking when the woman who spoke the latter came to tears and their courage to make those statements is nothing short of commendable.

That is great, would love to see these videos. That there is Islam.