Things I Hate

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Goddamn ignorant idiots who made that video blaspheming the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Absolutely no point to it other than to provoke a reaction.

But what I hate even more is the even MORE ignorant fools who think protesting violently is the right thing to do.

What I posted on FB today:

Very good. So true about these ****ing idiots proving the makers of the video right with their 'protests'. I mean 'moronic' is quite the understatement.

And the unfortunate thing is who knows how or when this stuff will ever stop. You cannot control what individuals do in the technologically enabled free world, theres always going to be someone on youtube or somewhere else pulling $h!t like this and causing uproar. *sigh* wonder how long till the next incident.
Extremists of all persuasions tend to have more in common with each other than with the moderate members of the societies whose sanctity they purport to be upholding and protecting.

They've even shown their filthy hands in the Sydney CBD. Many of those questioned hadn't even seen the video. Check out this photo:


A primitive half-wit would go so far.

The video was just an excuse. Better to understand the 'reaction' than bothering with a man who had the gall to exercise his right to express an unfriendly opinion. This is manufactured rage and it's infinitely more a farce than the crappy movie. Ask yourself what it accomplishes, not why it's happening.

Israel stole land
Israel has the US by the balls

I've heard this argument a lot over the past 20 years, and...

...wait a minute. I've never actually heard an argument that Israel stole anything. All I ever hear are baseless assertions that rely on the passion of the one asserting it to stand in for any kind of rational support for their claims. I hear a bunch of hysterics, and see a lot of drama, and not much else.

Kinda like the U.S. being some kind of underling to Israel. Lots of conspiracy theories and stories about lizard men from Mars, but not a lot of action on the part of the U.S. to support it.

I guess it fits the narrative though. :dunno

intothevoid said:
If Israel attacks Iran - time to move to mars

Maybe, but then there's always the chance that the world will get its head out of its ass and thank them for it.
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Very good. So true about these ****ing idiots proving the makers of the video right with their 'protests'. I mean 'moronic' is quite the understatement.

And the unfortunate thing is who knows how or when this stuff will ever stop. You cannot control what individuals do in the technologically enabled free world, theres always going to be someone on youtube or somewhere else pulling $h!t like this and causing uproar. *sigh* wonder how long till the next incident.

Yeah, unfortunately I only see this getting worse.

Maybe, but then there's always the chance that the world will get its head out of its ass and thank them for it.

What would the world be thanking them for?
You know nothing of what you speak and believe revisionist history.

You're an idiot if you think what Void posted is revisionist. :cuckoo: Any person who's read the about the middle east conflicts knows the atrocities committed by Israel and their imperialistic hold on that region. Simply put, they stole the land, massacred the natives and kicked them out of their own land and are continuing to do so on a regular basis.

It so happens that today is the 30 year anniversary of Sabra and Shatila massacre.:(

As for these riots incited by the video, it just seems too staged. Doesn't add up.
You're an idiot if you think what Void posted is revisionist. :cuckoo: Any person who's read the about the middle east conflicts knows the atrocities committed by Israel and their imperialistic hold on that region. Simply put, they stole the land, massacred the natives and kicked them out of their own land and are continuing to do so on a regular basis.

It so happens that today is the 30 year anniversary of Sabra and Shatila massacre.:(

As for these riots incited by the video, it just seems too staged. Doesn't add up.

You're an idiot if you think the Internet and media is wrong. That never happens.
Is that the best you can do? Assert your point of view, then mock those who don't accept your assertions as truth?

What the hell is your problem?
Are you saying that if someone burned my house down and killed my family that it would be stealing for me to find the house where my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandma lived 300 years ago, kick the family out who currently and legally occupied the house, and called it my own... You're telling me that is stealing?

How very dare thee.
I'm saying that if neither you nor your neighbors could find a way to live in peace, then your neighbors sold their house and moved, when they decided they wanted it back, it would not be stealing to tell them no.

But, to kick out the current occupants would indeed be theft.

What would the world be thanking them for?

For eliminating the most insane regime since the Third Reich.
I made this case once here, and I'm not going to make it again. No one managed to refute me then, and I can't imagine history has changed since.

You guys have fun.