From a social POW I guess you're right, but this thing is pretty much entirely about the sensitivity of religious people.It's fine if someone's not religious - that's their choice, and I completely respect that. We live in a free society. But, just because someone has the freedom to exercise their Fist Amendment right, shouldn't give them a free pass to be an ass about it. There are things like common decency and having respect for your fellow man that everyone should take into consideration, before doing something extremely controversial that may offend someone else.
Also it's always sad to read how some Christians react to this kind of situation:
"This freak hates the Lord Jesus Christ so much he has to mock the once a year celebration of His birth with this stupid display. Now he wants to make an even bigger display next year just to demonstrate the degree that he has gone out of his mind. This fool will hear me laughing from the west coast if God should send a couple lightning bolts on his front yard and burns this #$%$ down."
And one have thought that Christianity was about wisdom, love and forgiveness...