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I'm not entirely clear on the specifics of it, either. But, it seemed like everything reached a boiling point after Lincoln's election.

Man... now I'm in the mood to watch some Civil War documentaries.
Discrimination isn't slavery. It isn't even Jim Crow. So what did the federal goverment demand of the South that they found so heinous that they had to secede? I am familiar with the state's rights argument, but I'm short on content.
I don't think any rational person disagrees that slavery was the key trigger to the secession or that a war was needed to end the practice. The south wanted to keep their slaves. Period. But you have to remember slavery is synonymous with the entire Southern economic system. Lincoln's win as an abolitionist just turned everything nuclear.

States Rights: It has been a LONG time since my college courses (1999?), but I do remember my professor talking repeatedly about the North hiring more immigrants/freed slaves and promising them land, then increasing tariffs on Southern goods to pay for this Westward expansion. The North was more industrialized with manufacturing and there were tariffs & taxes that were applied to the Southern import/exports that were not applied to the North because their products were so different. These manufacturers loved getting cheap cotton from Southern states and wanted to keep it that way. The Northern banks were charging higher interest payments to Southerners to cover losses some economic crash in the 1850s. There was also a tariff in the late 1850s that cranked up tariffs on Southern products +200%.
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I'm not entirely clear on the specifics of it, either. But, it seemed like everything reached a boiling point after Lincoln's election.

Man... now I'm in the mood to watch some Civil War documentaries.

I did homework and what I found was that with westward expansion, the question of slavery in new territories was a huge problem.

I don't think any rational person disagrees that slavery was the key trigger to the secession or that a war was needed to end the practice. The south wanted to keep their slaves. Period. But you have to remember slavery is synonymous with the entire Southern economic system. Lincoln's win as an abolitionist just turned everything nuclear.

States Rights: It has been a LONG time since my college courses (1999?), but I do remember my professor talking repeatedly about the North hiring more immigrants/freed slaves and promising them land, then increasing tariffs on Southern goods to pay for this Westward expansion. The North was more industrialized with manufacturing and there were tariffs & taxes that were applied to the Southern import/exports that were not applied to the North because their products were so different. These manufacturers loved getting cheap cotton from Southern states and wanted to keep it that way. The Northern banks were charging higher interest payments to Southerners to cover losses some economic crash in the 1850s. There was also a tariff in the late 1850s that cranked up tariffs on Southern products +200%.

Nothing like interventionism to generate cross-border hostilities.
It sucks how everything is so pc now days. People get so easily offended by anything and everything that doesn't even concern them.