Things I Hate

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Censoring art. How progressive...

I can't load that link, Spartan. :(

Here you go.

The New York Post film critic Lou Lumenick has called for Gone with the Wind, the 1939 multi-Oscar-winning epic, to no longer be screened in cinemas.

“If the Confederate flag is finally going to be consigned to museums as an ugly symbol of racism,” writes Lumenick, “what about the beloved film offering the most iconic glimpse of that flag in American culture?”

The film, which is still the most lucrative of all time when figures are adjusted for inflation, screens on 4 July in New York’s Museum of Modern Art as part of its centenary of Technicolor celebrations. “Maybe that’s where this much-loved but undeniably racist artifact really belongs,” writes Lumenick.

Adapted from Margaret Mitchell’s Pulitzer prize-winning 1936 novel, Victor Fleming’s film stars Vivien Leigh as the daughter of a Georgia plantation owner who falls for her cousin’s husband before marrying Clark Gable’s gambler-turned-soldier. Set during the American civil war and told from the perspective of white Southerners, the film has long been felt to be one of America’s finest. It took 10 gongs at the 1940 Oscars, including one for Hattie McDaniel, who was the first black person to win an Academy award.

The book, as well as the film, says Lumenick, “buys heavily into the idea that the civil war was a noble lost cause and casts Yankees and Yankee sympathisers as the villains”. It also, he writes, goes to “great lengths to enshrine the myth that the civil war wasn’t fought over slavery — an institution the film unabashedly romanticises”.

Lumenick speculates that many in the Academy likely feel the same way, noting that The Wizard of Oz – which was defeated as best picture by Gone with the Wind in 1940 – received a special 75th anniversary tribute. But during the same ceremony (in which 12 Years a Slave was ultimately named best picture) Gone with the Wind was all but ignored.

The critic concludes: “What does it say about us as a nation if we continue to embrace a movie that, in the final analysis, stands for many of the same things as the Confederate flag that flutters so dramatically over the dead and wounded soldiers at the Atlanta train station just before the intermission?”
These people are making the racists look like the good guys. If I have to choose between someone who hates me and someone who wants to control me, I'll take the hate, thanks.
it saddens me that the video doesn't have like 1 million views or something (And at first, it was nothing but hate comments for a couple of weeks) which I guess it was to be expected
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Apparently there's a petition to change Old Glory's stripes with the Gay Pride Flag... So... yeah... I feel every heterosexual militant would have a real case of PTSD if that was put on their uniform... Hell most vets I know hate people who even mention the change of Old Glory...

Edit: For the record not prejudice, just confused on the whole thing...
Kinda wish we had some of these guys around...

PajamaBoy02.jpg explain to us all how we're philistines, unfit for inclusion in humane society.
Apparently there's a petition to change Old Glory's stripes with the Gay Pride Flag... So... yeah... I feel every heterosexual militant would have a real case of PTSD if that was put on their uniform... Hell most vets I know hate people who even mention the change of Old Glory...

Edit: For the record not prejudice, just confused on the whole thing...

That will never happen. And as for those petitions, most of them are downright silly and they don't mean squat.
EBay, I hate EBay. I received an offer on an item, I waited a day to see if I would get another offer. I decided to accept the offer and the buyer now says I took took long and should have taken his offer when I had the chance. Really? So now I have to cancel the whole deal and hope EBay sides with me so i don't get stuck with fees. Why do I even bother with EBay???
These people are making the racists look like the good guys. If I have to choose between someone who hates me and someone who wants to control me, I'll take the hate, thanks.

They do realize there is a bunch of films with that flag???

Cold Mountain is just one of the few...
EBay, I hate EBay. I received an offer on an item, I waited a day to see if I would get another offer. I decided to accept the offer and the buyer now says I took took long and should have taken his offer when I had the chance. Really? So now I have to cancel the whole deal and hope EBay sides with me so i don't get stuck with fees. Why do I even bother with EBay???

Ebay will side with you. The buyer agreed to pay if his offer was accepted (it doesn't matter what excuses he gives). You accepted his offer, so it's now his obligation to pay you. If he doesn't pay, file a claim to get back your listing fees, and put a strike on his account.

DON'T cancel, or you will have to end up paying your listing fees. You'll need to file a claim against him.
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I have so many things I want to sell on eBay but I'm so nervous about it anymore. I haven't sold anything for a couple of years.
I have so many things I want to sell on eBay but I'm so nervous about it anymore. I haven't sold anything for a couple of years.

Yeah. I have a ton of stuff to sell too, a bunch but I'm lazy about it and nervous too