Things I Hate

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That flag should've been taken off government property decades ago; and any religious items as well. The rest are fine. People can keep their heritage. We just don't need more than one flag. We already have state flag, MIA, POW, etc. Think things snow ball because of Ferguson incident. If one person can cause protest and property damage, a church shooting/death can easily cause more. One thing is for sure, we definitely have some home grown terrorism/crazies.
They finally took it down from in front of the ****ing Capitol building. People here are losing their minds and demanding the heads of the State Supreme Court judges.
Didn't they just take down the Ten Commandments in some Oklahoma courthouse?
The only reason they took it down was because the Satanic Church proposed a monument to Satan to be placed next to the 10 Commandments monument and then sue if the State did not allow it. Go google Oklahoma Satanic Monument.
Lol. The Founders may have had Christian inclinations, but it's not where they got their political ideas. No religion has a right or reason to be represented on U.S. government property.
Yea sucks too. I was hoping to see the statue of the demon guy get made.

Same here. I'm glad they got rid of the 10 Commandments monument (shocked, actually) but it would have been awesome to see the Satanic monument go up next to it. My wife was planning on going down to get her picture taken on its lap.
Though I don't care one way or the other whether the 10 commandments are there or not, I wouldn't want to see a Satanic statue there.

As for statues, etc. on government property. Our city government building has a big ugly headstone monument in the shape of a football to mark a time we won the state championship in football. Why it's there instead of the HS school is beyond me but I'm sure not going to raise a stink about it. Not worth my time, but it sure is ugly. A person who makes headstones donated it. Looks like a grave. :lol

I just think this stuff is opening a big o' can of worms with no end in sight.
I just think this stuff is opening a big o' can of worms with no end in sight.
From the way things are going now days, you can be sure there's going to be a case in the Supreme court to remove it, if Congress doesn't do it first.
Funny.... our money does..


Because they couldn't come up with any other reason for people to trust the liquidity of currency backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government.

"Can I exchange this for gold?"


"How do I know it's worth two ****s?"

"Because we trust in God, and you should too."

Don't know why people still think gold can be anything close to currency. Issue of purity, size, and weight alone is hard to standardize. It cost $ to turn them into coin. And the worst of all is that it can only work for a small population like back then. Assuming we're close to 8 billions people and maybe half of them can use gold corn, we still have to market these gold coin to be legitimate. And we sure don't have enough gold to use as currency anyway.

Mr. Green took Economy 101 way back and a US President(FDR?) sign a law to do away with gold as a trust/currency. Who knows how long it'll work but printed money work for a reason.