Things I Hate

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What's it like over in Moscow? We American's(at least ME) think your country is in another plane of existance- alien world....:rotfl

Keep collecting and making your great comments! Sorry but TDKR is classic...A0U is styrofoam
I coach my son's soccer team but hate dealing with parents who think their kid is the next Messi...ugh.

My father coached my brother's little league team for a short while. He gave it up because he believed that at that age, every kid should play, but the parents only concerned themselves with how much time THEIR kid got to play and all thought theirs had MLB potential. He caught a lot of hell and said screw it!
I hate going through the process of researching sold listings and posting a bunch of items for sale only to have people ask you what's the lowest you'll take for X.
That's not an offer!!!

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****. If I'd known that was my last Malteser I would have savoured it more.

Was it a box or bag or something else? I need this information to properly picture the sequence of events from anticipation to disappointment.
So called Social Justice Warriors.

sparkle-pony-sjw (1).jpg
It was the standard sized bag, which these days is probably the size of a mini-bag from 20 years ago.

My preferred Malteser eating technique is to grab a handful, bring hand to mouth and dispense them with my thumb. Nom nom.
Maltesrs don't sell in the States :(. I tried some last year, when my cousin brought some down from Canada. It was awesome.
Maltesrs don't sell in the States :(. I tried some last year, when my cousin brought some down from Canada. It was awesome.

US candy and chocolate is generally not great. Except for Reeses peanut butter cups, and M&Ms. The snacks are awesome though.
US chocolate = chocolate flavored wax. :lecture

Hmmmm... I am starting to crave some coffee crisps.

1) American Cadbury (owned by Hersey) sued British Cadbury to stop imports of their better tasting chocolate

2) US regulatory standards define what can be used to create "Chocolate". They use more fats and creams in the UK.

Your tax dollars at work:

[quote =]

""In the United States, we have very strict standards around milk chocolate and dark chocolates. For milk chocolate, for example, we have to have at least 10 percent chocolate, which is ground up roasted cocoa beans, and we can only use cocoa butter as vegetable fat. In Europe, they can use other fats. They can use palm, shea, illipe and a few others. So their rules are written around the total amount that comes from the bean, so it's the combination of chocolate, cocoa butter and cocoa powder," St. John said. "To be a milk chocolate, you must be at least 25 percent. Now the Cadbury bar in the United States exceeds that, so we could sell the Cadbury bar in Europe as milk chocolate; we couldn't sell the European Cadbury bar in the States and call it milk chocolate."
