Things I Hate

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I hear ya. I gave myself all of January to write a book chapter that absolutely must be done, but it's the 6th and I haven't been able to bring myself to start it. I've never failed to deliver on anything before, and this is pretty important, so failure isn't an option. But somehow I can only bring myself to do something when the flames are singeing my arse hairs. It's 1pm today, no point starting anything half the day is gone. I'll start in ernest tomorrow :lecture

What's the chapter about? Maybe we can give it a go for you.

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I hear ya. I gave myself all of January to write a book chapter that absolutely must be done, but it's the 6th and I haven't been able to bring myself to start it. I've never failed to deliver on anything before, and this is pretty important, so failure isn't an option. But somehow I can only bring myself to do something when the flames are singeing my arse hairs. It's 1pm today, no point starting anything half the day is gone. I'll start in ernest tomorrow :lecture

you should start an ambiguous thread about your topic so that we do all the writing for you. :monkey3
What's the chapter about? Maybe we can give it a go for you.

I'll take anything anyone has to write on Australian political cartoonists at The Bulletin magazine, 1880-1900.

you should start an ambiguous thread about your topic so that we do all the writing for you. :monkey3

It's a bit of a niche topic, but crowdsourcing the editing might be a go-er.

the best work is sometimes done when the deadline is closing in

I wonder if this will be one of those times...

last minute productivity is the procrastinator's forte.

The trick is to always nail when the last minute actually is and ride it on home.
I get the impression you're someone who just can't live without having the last word.

Well go ahead and have it. For the sakes of everyone else who posts in this thread, I won't be replying to you further.
Everyone else thanks you. :lol



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I hate when a day that should've been pretty good, totally sucks! No school today because of snow, but then I find out about Bowie's death, then I have a bogus customer complaint, now, due to the cold, my sump pump outside line is froze up, which it's one big pain in the butt for me. UGH!
Mine is a spoilt child complaint.

My toys haven't arrived yet and I feel it's past time that they did. Each day that they aren't there at work waiting for me pisses me off - even though I pessimistically presumed they'd still not be there, the fact that they didn't prove me wrong pisses me off.

If I didn't have anything on the way I'd be fine but I do - so where are my ****ing toys? :lol