Things I Hate

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"37°F with light snow in New Jersey. Look more like sleet rain. You have Mr. Green's permission to be a little jealous, hehahahhaha." - Double Post
I hate that my mother gets a letter from her employer (she's retired) that they are dropping her health insurance and drug plan. Yet at the same time they post on their website about how their profits are up, etc. Happy New Year to her.

I hate that my mother gets a letter from her employer (she's retired) that they are dropping her health insurance and drug plan. Yet at the same time they post on their website about how their profits are up, etc. Happy New Year to her.


Yea, companies are not what they're used to be. On the other hand, if Mr. Green retire, he gets nothing. Nothing at all. But then again, who knows that will happen next. At least he got great benefit atm.
Why you using AC at the end of December? And 80°F ain't bad. Besides the pythons, mosquitos, alligators, seasonal hurricane, and possible skunk beast, lots of peep would love to be in the 80's.

78 a little rain, alot of wind

LOL x infinity
Yea, companies are not what they're used to be. On the other hand, if Mr. Green retire, he gets nothing. Nothing at all. But then again, who knows that will happen next. At least he got great benefit atm.

Yeah, it's one thing going into it knowing, but to have it taken away, it's hard. My mother is older and can't afford another expense like this. Sucks.
Don't be hating baby. You are welcome to use my thread... anytime

I hate when people post awful things on Facebook that you see before you can scroll past it or delete it. Someone posted a gif a man throwing a dog off a bridge and filming it hit. It's old and the guy was caught, but now that's fused in my brain. Ruined the day, or weekend for me. I wish people would check thing before sharing them.

btw.......sick ****, I hope he gets his nuts crushed.
I hate when people post awful things on Facebook that you see before you can scroll past it or delete it. Someone posted a gif a man throwing a dog off a bridge and filming it hit. It's old and the guy was caught, but now that's fused in my brain. Ruined the day, or weekend for me. I wish people would check thing before sharing them.

btw.......sick ****, I hope he gets his nuts crushed.

That is a quick ticket off my friends list... result: no annoying people on my facebook wall.

Along those lines, I hate people who troll threads, endlessly, spouting the same opinion over and over and over again...

And along those lines, I hate people who have to have things spelled out for them. Grrrrrr.

Mini-rant over. I feel much better now. :blissy
Your friend post that? That needs to be reported to fb

It was a share. When that first happened they asked people to share it on Facebook to try and find the guy, and they did. It's just years old now and people are still sharing it thinking it just happened. Usually you can avoid things like these, but I couldn't this.
That is a quick ticket off my friends list... result: no annoying people on my facebook wall.

Along those lines, I hate people who troll threads, endlessly, spouting the same opinion over and over and over again...

And along those lines, I hate people who have to have things spelled out for them. Grrrrrr.

Mini-rant over. I feel much better now. :blissy

I feel the same way. It gets really bad when the same opinion seeps into several threads. Wrong thread Bert! :lol
I hate Facebook. I remember I nerfed my old account several years ago, after one of my Korean friends in his mid 20s (MID-TWENTIES), complained that his mom beat him again and he was crying in his room :lol. People post the stupidest things.
I hate Facebook. I remember I nerfed my old account several years ago, after one of my Korean friends in his mid 20s (MID-TWENTIES), complained that his mom beat him again and he was crying in his room :lol. People post the stupidest things.

I have 3 pages. One for Freaks, which I rarely go to, one for my friends and co-workers and one strictly for gaming. Some people post every little thing they do, others just like to share bogus crap.
Facebook is stupid, why I don't have one or never will get one. I don't understand the need for people to go on there. Why not just talk to your friends face to face or on the phone? Or share pictures in person?
Facebook is stupid, why I don't have one or never will get one. I don't understand the need for people to go on there. Why not just talk to your friends face to face or on the phone? Or share pictures in person?

There are a lot of people with whom I have history but have no great desire to talk to on a regular basis. This includes people I've met in my travels, used to go to school with, or distant family. I don't post anything myself, but I'm happy to check my feed every now and again and see what they're up to.