Things I Hate

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i wasnt kidding. google it, high IQ and personality disorders, i didnt make that crap up... levels of autism on people over 120.
(Plastic pretty much confirmed what i said too, he has a high IQ and had some problems,) seriously do a search, dont believe me, look it up yourself.
or better yet, read this article because it pretty much describes your posts perfectly

5 Unexpected Downsides of High Intelligence |

You are using this website to back up these claims :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol Couldn't find a better source? I already know it is true, not in regards to me at all. How I act here and in real life is completely different.

Wow..... :lol Lets pretend these are all legitimate though. Which some are....

"self destructive" - never drank, smoked, did drugs and never will. Next.

"believe bull****" - hmmm.... nope. next.

"likely to like" - nope. Next.

"pass on genes" - what does that have to do with anything here? Next.

"night owl" - eh..... I'm on a normal schedule now.
Oh, "need to argue"..... yeah..... not really. Have you noticed 9/10 times the instigator isn't me? People bashing me when I haven't said anything to them? Making fun of my rankings. Or collection. How is making simple statements looking for arguments? Sure, the PT stuff I instigated it, but I said countless times I meant no direct insult. I am just headstrong.

Go back in this thread. Snake started it. Then I make a comment about Metal Gear Solid (I really don't like those games, never could get into them) Then I am called dumb. Feel free to explain buddy how I "instigated" that? Sure, should have ignored it, just can't. Oh, let me guess, those were all jokes or I should just take it? Right?
You said 'crows being an ass', .

Was posed as a question of sorts.

You aren't an *** crows. Just funny that a major in womens studies and horticulture is trying to diagnose someone he has never or will never meet based on a few statements made over a toy forum.
You are proving my point. You make a comment, looking for my response.... when I am having a discussion with crows and never mentioned you....
Pretty sure you've done the exact same thing. But hey, what do I know? I'll leave you to arguing with the bird! :wave:


and pop in sometime later
How I act here and in real life is completely different.

Somehow I doubt that. People must find you infuriating enough in "real life", that you ended up on a toy forum to let your issues out with total strangers.

the fact that you didnt realize i was joking about the majors proves some autism (you cant understand sarcasm) like I said, search high IQ and mental problems.... search it for yourself (or do I have to look it up for you )

I was always a loner growing up, never had that many friends, I never could relate to a lot of my peers, either. I don't have any social anxiety disorders, I was always just a natural loner. I doubt my IQ had anything to do with it, though. I remember I scored around 130 in test I took after high-school. I never thought it was high.
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the fact that you didnt realize i was joking about the majors proves some autism (you cant understand sarcasm) like I said, search high IQ and mental problems.... search it for yourself (or do I have to look it up for you )

Welp, that is my fault for believing you and my lack of understanding sarcasm on the internet.... thought you were being honest. :dunno

My bad, guess you are embarrassed to say. Have some pride. Or honesty. Or both.

Somehow I doubt that. People must find you infuriating enough in "real life", that you ended up on a toy forum to let your issues out with total strangers.

Hmmm.... no. I have no issues. People generally like me. I think the issues is the obsession with me by a certain few. I mean, did I start my own friendship club with my own name and sit in that club from 8-5 speaking with people I don't know becuase I have issues making friends outside a virtual environment? No.

Whatever though, have to go. Keep thinking you know me champ.
Welp, that is my fault for believing you and my lack of understanding sarcasm on the internet.... thought you were being honest. :dunno

My bad, guess you are embarrassed to say. Have some pride. Or honesty. Or both.

Hmmm.... no. I have no issues. People generally like me. I think the issues is the obsession with me by a certain few. I mean, did I start my own friendship club with my own name and sit in that club from 8-5 speaking with people I don't know becuase I have issues making friends outside a virtual environment? No.

Whatever though, have to go. Keep thinking you know me champ.

You really have a love affair with the club. Don't you? What anyone does on their time, work or otherwise, is none of your business. You wouldn't get such much flak on here if you weren't a gigantic jerk off.

And once again, you poisoned another thread with your narcissistic self absorbed babbling. I don't know what it's going to take to finally get you banned. I think they just keep you for their own amusement, since you get thrown in a meat grinder in every single thread you pop up in.
Welp, that is my fault for believing you and my lack of understanding sarcasm on the internet.... thought you were being honest. :dunno

My bad, guess you are embarrassed to say. Have some pride. Or honesty. Or both.

Hmmm.... no. I have no issues. People generally like me. I think the issues is the obsession with me by a certain few. I mean, did I start my own friendship club with my own name and sit in that club from 8-5 speaking with people I don't know becuase I have issues making friends outside a virtual environment? No.

Whatever though, have to go. Keep thinking you know me champ.

Listen sport, I don't want to know you. No one here cares about you. You throw bait in threads, and people can't help but respond to your garbage, so don't confuse annoyance with obsession.

I just wonder, if you're this really exceptional person in "real life", how are you such an little wise ass on SSF who can't get along with anyone?
I think WEEJedi also suffers from being a teenager. All teenagers know everything and are smarter than everyone. Everyone goes through that phase. He'll eventually grow out of it when he gets into the real world. The mental problems will hang around for the rest of his life though. Hopefully the narcissism will fade so he gets the help he needs.
You are using this website to back up these claims :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol Couldn't find a better source? I already know it is true, not in regards to me at all. How I act here and in real life is completely different.

Wow..... :lol Lets pretend these are all legitimate though. Which some are....

"self destructive" - never drank, smoked, did drugs and never will. Next.

"believe bull****" - hmmm.... nope. next.

"likely to like" - nope. Next.

"pass on genes" - what does that have to do with anything here? Next.

"night owl" - eh..... I'm on a normal schedule now.

So what you're saying is you deliberately troll this site?
Listen sport, I don't want to know you. No one here cares about you. You throw bait in threads, and people can't help but respond to your garbage, so don't confuse annoyance with obsession.

I just wonder, if you're this really exceptional person in "real life", how are you such an little wise ass on SSF? Is that deliberate, or are you new to the interwebs?

product of the environment.

not deliberate.

See ya! :wave
if you know you are not anti social then you aren't. and you get along with all of us in here. you dont pick up fights with everyone. If you know you don't have social anxiety that's good. (Being a loner can happen to anyone, regardless of IQ. some of us are just introverted)

Weejedi on the other hand has not been able to get along with a single person in this forum :lol not one person that likes him.
that says a lot
I think everyone has some period of being a loner, at random intervals.

But the bolded...this can't be stated enough. Even some of the really hated members here, or just ones who cause fights all the time, have some friends on here or people who tolerate them. Based on this thread alone, no one likes him. That isn't even an opinion, that's fact. Why would you come here then? Or persist? :lol

Also what is Weejedi's fascination with the club? Dude even stalked some pages back to find out some info on me, the ****? :dunno :lol
FSLAR, I think he needs career advice. Whatever he's doing now must not be working out.
Weejedi on the other hand has not been able to get along with a single person in this forum :lol not one person that likes him.
that says a lot

Is being liked on a toy forum a accomplishment? Not everyone hates me here. Despite what you think.