Things I Hate

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Oh, I don't. But, it's just funny that the first thing you do after classes is log onto SSF :lol. You've got no friends here, I'm guessing none of your classmates want you around, either.
Oh, I don't. But, it's just funny that the first thing you do after classes is log onto SSF :lol. You've got no friends here, I'm guessing none of your classmates want you around, either.

Wow, you really are an *******. Got done at 11:30. Went shopping. Got home to take a break. Now leaving again.
I'm actually in a robotics lab doing CAD work, so I'm at a computer. I'm a mechanical engineer, just so you know.

Is your only defense questioning people's employment statuses? :lol
The best lesson to learn with all this is done engage with people when you don't need to

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Have this one neighbour who is one of those cranky busybodies who doesn't like most people. We used to get along fine with her, until we disagreed over a boundary line fence. Now we're in the big mix of people she does't like.