Things I Hate

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-Replying to someone's post without quoting them and then needing to edit your post with a quote because 2 other people managed to post in the space of .5 seconds.

-Having to scroll down first in the post-editor.
Self checkout's are awesome.

And the 24 hour kiosks at the post office are the greatest things ever made.

THIS 1000 times. I hope one day they'll add an Int'l option to send crap overseas. Unlikely though.

I use self checkouts at the grocery store all the time.
The ultra sensitive sissies here.

People think their opinions are not only more important than anyone else's but also factually correct. When you disagree with them, they think you're personally belittling them and are an ******* because you are also WRONG. It's infuriating because they don't understand what an opinion is and can't tell the difference between a statement and an attack.
People think their opinions are not only more important than anyone else's but also factually correct. When you disagree with them, they think you're personally belittling them and are an ******* because you are also WRONG. It's infuriating because they don't understand what an opinion is and can't tell the difference between a statement and an attack.

Is he back already? :lol
People think their opinions are not only more important than anyone else's but also factually correct. When you disagree with them, they think you're personally belittling them and are an ******* because you are also WRONG. It's infuriating because they don't understand what an opinion is and can't tell the difference between a statement and an attack.

I disagree

Mr. Green rarely have problem with lack of sleep. If anything, he sleep more than usual and like he sleep late and wake up late.
The fact that I can't do anything to shut my insolent noisy neighbors up. I'm unable to reach local police because they don't answer the phone, on-call patrols refuse to do anything because damn punks won't open the door. No reason to go to the court because they wouldn't do anything solid without me havin' copies of at least three different complaints from the police protocol... But what I hate the most is that other neighbors just quietly sit in their small apartments not doin' ****. This is a nightmare and I stuck in it for now. Will try to reach district council but doubt they'd move their lazy ass.
Mr. Green call the police on his neighbor once. Over here, people have the right to call the police after 11 or 11:30pm. And he call around 12:30am. Those damn Spanish people think they own the place just cause they rent. Heard they took the owner to court cause they didn't get enough heat during the Winter. Anyway, they're gone a few years now. New people are fine.
The fact that I can't do anything to shut my insolent noisy neighbors up. I'm unable to reach local police because they don't answer the phone, on-call patrols refuse to do anything because damn punks won't open the door. No reason to go to the court because they wouldn't do anything solid without me havin' copies of at least three different complaints from the police protocol... But what I hate the most is that other neighbors just quietly sit in their small apartments not doin' ****. This is a nightmare and I stuck in it for now. Will try to reach district council but doubt they'd move their lazy ass.

Introduce them to King Diamond.