Things I Hate

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Oh yeah? In two hours I have to drive 50 miles just to be at home, never mind moving around inside of it. And my couch is far from my fridge. It's all too much.
It is tiring. Night driving is the worst. Having to scan a 20-30 yards either side of the road into the darkness to watch out for kangaroos and wombats wears you out.
Moose are massive. Do they move predictably or just show up in the middle of the road?

Roos come out of nowhere. The highways are littered with their corpses. Wombats are more dangerous surprisingly, they're trash can-sized animal-tanks.
"A Møøse once bit my sister... No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: 'The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist', 'Fillings of Passion', 'The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"
What? :lol

Moose are massive. Do they move predictably or just show up in the middle of the road?

The latter. And their eyes aren't reflective, so the shadow at the end of your lights will turn into a half ton beast without warning. If your car is low enough, it'll tear the roof right off. They run too, so there is the chance of one crossing in front of you, but usually they'll just be standing there.

Roos come out of nowhere. The highways are littered with their corpses. Wombats are more dangerous surprisingly, they're trash can-sized animal-tanks.

I didn't realize wombats were that big. I figured them for raccoon size.

Kangaroo sound like they have the same problem as deer. Nimble, but not wise enough to bound in the right direction when playing in traffic.


"A Møøse once bit my sister... No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: 'The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist', 'Fillings of Passion', 'The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"

The latter. And their eyes aren't reflective, so the shadow at the end of your lights will turn into a half ton beast without warning. If your car is low enough, it'll tear the roof right off. They run too, so there is the chance of one crossing in front of you, but usually they'll just be standing there.

I didn't realize wombats were that big. I figured them for raccoon size.

Kangaroo sound like they have the same problem as deer. Nimble, but not wise enough to bound in the right direction when playing in traffic.

Yeh, roos aren't too road-savvy. I'm lucky to never have hit one, but one time I nearly did the only glimpse I got of it was once I'd narrowly missed it - and that was in daytime.

Wombats aren't massive, but they're low to the ground and solid.


I hate that I became emotionally worked up at the scene in Revenant where the villain kills Leo's boy. :mad:

At least that's a man's movie. I teared up during 'Inside Out'.
Yeh, roos aren't too road-savvy. I'm lucky to never have hit one, but one time I nearly did the only glimpse I got of it was once I'd narrowly missed it - and that was in daytime.

Wombats aren't massive, but they're low to the ground and solid.


At least that's a man's movie. I teared up during 'Inside Out'.

2 more reason why Australia is a dangerous place to live. Roos and wombats are basically over-sized groundhogs.
I hate that the school I'm working in stinks so bad it's making me nauseas but it doesn't seem to bother others that much. :monkey4
co-workers that think they are entitled to something extra for showing up for work on time.

Ugh when I worked in an office I showed up as late as possible and left just as fast. Throw in some trips to Starbucks during the day as well as taking the full hour lunch and then coming back to eat at my desk.
I spent more time figuring out ways to look busy than ever doing anything. Thank god I work for myself now.