Things I Hate

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Wait, who tips the mailman? As a federal government employee, they can't accept tips.

I live in a densely populated area. Maybe in rural/less densely populated areas it's common to "tip" your mailman? Not with cash, but maybe a gift certificate?

People usually give the mailman something at Christmas time, which is fine, but there was a debate about giving cash. I said I never give cash, but make him candy or something. I said it also isn't really necessary, and that, at least here, mailmen make really good money, much more than I do. A mailman's wife took offense, and made a big stink. That's when every time I turned around I was getting an email from AOL for a TOS violation.

People were also talking about tipping any kind of service man, like guys that fix your furnace. I think that's just silly. I basically tip waitresses, bartenders, hotel staff...people like that, but not, say, a plumber!
I like my mailman. I've been in the same house for 6 years and don't think I've ever talked to him. Or her. I'm not even sure which it is. As long as I get my mail I don't give a **** what else they do, but I'm not tipping him. Or her.

My mailman is a great guy who I used to work with at the newspaper when I got out of school. He goes above and beyond.
I give the UPS guy that delivers to my work a gift card for Christmas. That's where I get all my collectibles delivered and he's always concerned about getting them to me without any damage. I don't know my mailman/woman's name and he or she only brings me bills.
We bought a house last fall and this mail guy is terrible. He leaves my packages in the rain and in puddles.
I bought an oversized mailbox because I buy a lot of TPBs and he just smooshes everything in.

I also work out of my house so there's no reason a package should ever be left outside other than pure laziness.

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We bought a house last fall and this mail guy is terrible. He leaves my packages in the rain and in puddles.
I bought an oversized mailbox because I buy a lot of TPBs and he just smooshes everything in.

I also work out of my house so there's no reason a package should ever be left outside other than pure laziness.

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that guy deserves a tip.

the tip of your boot. :yess:
Had the implant already but both the abutment, installed today, and the implant looks like the leaning tower of pisa. Confirmed on the mirror and it matched the x-ray seen at the dentist. Dentist assistant made an excuse that its the angle. Going to have a talk with the dentist next time. They seem to be having a jolly good time today. Should've leave the missing back tooth alone. Mr. Green hates dentist and doctors. They seem to be all about moneys now a days.
Had the implant already but both the abutment, installed today, and the implant looks like the leaning tower of pisa. Confirmed on the mirror and it matched the x-ray seen at the dentist. Dentist assistant made an excuse that its the angle. Going to have a talk with the dentist next time. They seem to be having a jolly good time today. Should've leave the missing back tooth alone. Mr. Green hates dentist and doctors. They seem to be all about moneys now a days.

I hate my dentist but they all suck in this town. I have 4 crowns and I know they aren't sitting right but I was told I was wrong. BS!
My doctor absolutely hates anyone second guessing him. Hates google. Doesn't take u seriously if u ask questions... Lol

Glad I don't have a doctor like that. I love my doctor. He's the reason I stick to the health plan that I have. I could go cheaper but I'd lose him.
Yeah i wish i could see someone else but cant. Hes younger too so i dont understand his hate for the internet lol

I can understand his hate of it. Too many people try to self diagnose by using the internet. You can drive yourself nuts with it.
I HATE that all of the @ssh-les who make cable modems and routers can't be bothers to have an on/off switch. Resetting the network means reaching around in the f'king dark to unplug and re-plug the stupid power. Give me a power switch! They don't have Radio Shack in China!?