Things I Hate

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I used to think ****s were the greatest when I was a teen, and then I got into ass/hips. As long as the ****s aren't just flat rib cage, I don't care. Although my woman is pretty heavy up top, but that isn't what drew me to her.
Getting premature grey hairs. It's mainly on the sides, so I already know my future.

My brother went grey so rapidly it seemed. Black less than 10 years ago but now totally grey on the sides, his chin and under the jawline.

I'm finding single grey hairs every other day on my own head, have a few on the chin.
My facial hair has been going gray for years. My head hair is still pretty dark but the gray is definitely showing now. I'd never color it because I don't care about it. Everyone gets old. Trying to look younger than you are usually ends up looking weird. Plus, guys tend to look better as they get older and the salt and pepper hair isn't usually a turn-off for women.
why does his joke feel more rude when read? :lol he literally uses the same logic she did

UGH......please, stop using examples of one or two people and saying it's everyone. You do this all the time. That's why Xeno posted that meme.
check this cool stuff I found around the interwebz :ghost :

so much memes :lol

but the one that I find problematic is this one:


The whole thing is rude, the jokes are rude,
the Guy's response IS rude,
but when this pic went viral, a lot of people focused on HIS reply. the fact that HE was so rude to her.
even though, the joke was almost identical to the one she did herself. the only one at fault was him. that's what I dont like. that's what bothers me.

how is that
I told you I'd leave it alone, but you're asking for it.

Dude, you post this **** every god damn day. Not all women are saints, no one's trying to say they are. There are bad PEOPLE in this world. It's not exclusive to women. There are plenty of sexist scumbags on both genders, yet your examples only ever focus on the FEMALE side and what THEY do wrong.

Why are you digging through the bowels of the internet to find any little thing some woman said that's offensive to men? Why are you so obsessed with this?

The reason this guy probably got so much hate for that comment is because he's posting it on the page of a woman who's likely followed by a bunch of sexist women. I can easily see them getting all over him for that and making a huge deal out of it.

Stop blaming women for everything because you've been rejected in the past or whatever the **** has made you think this way.

I'm not sure what the point is in saying this - as I've already said it all before.


Getting premature grey hairs. It's mainly on the sides, so I already know my future.

I started getting grey hair on my chin when I was about 17, now at 21 I've noticed some growing on my mustache.

I'm OK with grey facial hair as long as it stays away from the top of my head.
My facial hair has been going gray for years. My head hair is still pretty dark but the gray is definitely showing now. I'd never color it because I don't care about it. Everyone gets old. Trying to look younger than you are usually ends up looking weird. Plus, guys tend to look better as they get older and the salt and pepper hair isn't usually a turn-off for women.

I have three hair colors on my head :lol

I have brown and very few bits of red facial hair, dark brown hair and now bits of sparse gray hair (that really aren't noticeable thank god)

I don't know if I'd dye it though. Although when I've grown facial hair, I've dyed it since it's too light.
I'm going to have to back up crows on this one. The majority of time we are first attracted to physical aspects. It's human nature. Now of course there are exceptions to that rule. I'm bald so a fair amount of women, if they were looking to date someone, wouldn't choose me at first. Maybe some actually like bald men but a fair amount if they have a choice will pick a man with thick luxurious hair over someone who is bald. Same thing in the animal world. The most colorful or powerful males are the animals that the females breed with usually.