Crows is 4'9. Poor sumbich.
My brother always dated short, big ****ed girls but married someone flat and 2 inches taller.
Crows is 4'9. Poor sumbich.
but, would you date a girl with no butt? And even if you DO date her, does your butt preference goes away?
Hopefully neither of them read this haha
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why does his joke feel more rude when read?he literally uses the same logic she did
I told you I'd leave it alone, but you're asking for it.check this cool stuff I found around the interwebz:
so much memes
but the one that I find problematic is this one:
The whole thing is rude, the jokes are rude,
the Guy's response IS rude,
but when this pic went viral, a lot of people focused on HIS reply. the fact that HE was so rude to her.
even though, the joke was almost identical to the one she did herself. the only one at fault was him. that's what I dont like. that's what bothers me.
how is that
Getting premature grey hairs. It's mainly on the sides, so I already know my future.
how is that
My facial hair has been going gray for years. My head hair is still pretty dark but the gray is definitely showing now. I'd never color it because I don't care about it. Everyone gets old. Trying to look younger than you are usually ends up looking weird. Plus, guys tend to look better as they get older and the salt and pepper hair isn't usually a turn-off for women.